Chapter 088 - I Don't Understand

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After parting with Selphy at the stairs, Zen and I headed towards our room. However, an awkward silence hung around the room as Zen remained silent.

....Really awkward.

" Erm.....Zen? "

I timidly tried talking to Zen who, upon entering the room, took a seat in front of his table and stayed there. Could it be that I angered him without even knowing by saying something wrong?

Unease filled my heart.

I was not boasting, but I really was quite scared right now. During these few years, how many times had I scolded Chiffon thickheaded? I was not a sensitive person, so I had no idea why Zen was angry right now....

" ..... "

Zen said nothing.

Glancing at Zen, I swallowed my sigh back in. His face was sullen as he kept his mouth shut. I couldn't see what expression Zen was making as he sat at his table, head hanging down, but I was sure it must be an angry one.

" .....Zen, did I do something wrong? "

Unable to stand the silence any longer, I opened my mouth, attempting to talk again. Zen's shoulders jumped in surprised, then he lifted his head up.

" .....Sorry, I was daydreaming.... did not hear you. "

Zen said. I was really astonished at that.

" Ah no, it's okay. "

I did not anger him right..? It would be unbearable if I were to fight with a friend and lose him without even knowing the reason. No matter what, Zen was my first friend of the same generation.

..... It was a bit sad that I only made a friend at 8 years old but this had nothing to do with it. Anyway, it's the best if Zen was not angry with me.

.......Even so, I wondered if I missed something.

I stole a glance at Zen, who had a frown on his face and sighing, and I decided to leave the room for now.

" I have something to do so I will be going out for a bit. "

" Ah, sure. .......Take care. "

" Ah, Will. What's wrong? "

With something hanging over me, I approached the lobby and Selphy was there. Behind her was the Holy Mother, Maria-san.

" Hm, just something. "

I replied Selphy as I gave a greeting towards Maria-san. Since my previous life, I always had trouble with 2 girls and above. Groups were scary. Those true feelings that were rarely seen would easily rear its head within the comfort of a group. Mass psychology was indeed scary.

Ah, in my case, I get easily flustered just by taking to girls.

......Hm, since I am a gentleman and not a pervert who get flustered by talking to girls, it should be alright. I am not turning into those kind of guys who stay silent because they are nervous either. This was called Dandy-ism. Not staying silent nor taciturn. Dandy-ism sounded like that but it was totally another thing altogether. Which was why, I was on the cool side of that 'silent' part.

I was not boasting, but my experience with girls was amount to nothing. It was to the point that it could be called as having a phobia of women. Once, I questioned my sexuality that I wanted to..... Hm, how futile. This was all in my past (life), and besides, I was only 8 years old. But at the way I behaved towards girls right now, it must mean how deep this had been carved into my soul.

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