Chapter 034 - The Future

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TN: I panicked a bit, sorry about that.

And I have no idea how to backup the raw content apart from copy and pasting everything… somewhere. And I am too lazy for that. Job(@b4lmung), Jedi of Patience, did a back up so no more scares!

PS: Updated the character sheet with John Sensei. Finally.

At a very good timing right after Onee-san, the other 2 woke up as well. Once they took off their head cloth, it was known that they were both Beastmen as well.

Ah, I was sure you were questioning about why we left the head cloth on. That was simple. The cloth was connected to the rest of the outfit as a 1-piece. It would be impossible to remove without exposing the chest area a little. Plus there was a possibility the other 2 were female too, just like Onee-san.

I was very bad with women.

I had zero experience in dealing with women.

A naive child would not be bothered about this but sadly, I was 21 years old on the inside. I could not pretend to not be aware of them and in the first place, I did not have the courage to do something as bold as this. It was okay to call me a coward.

But leaving them fully clothed for these few days were unhygienic. Even though they were assassins, they were still patients. No problem. Although I had zero experience with women, I did still have common sense. It was not confirmed the other 2 ‘Shadows’ were female or not but no matter as I casted 《殺菌消毒》and《洗浄》on them both!

[TN: Sakkin Shodoku, Sterilize and Senjyo, Cleanse]

Ah, magic sure was convenient. Once again, I was reminded this was reality.

And so, the other 2 ‘Shadows’.

Mr Tall was Buhual, male, a Bear Beastman. This made me feel like giving him a nickname. The urge was strong with this one. I ended up giving him one anyway but as there was a lot of ridicule on that name, I kept it my secret. It was easy to guess what it was though. The only hint was that I gave him a red shirt as a present. …Ah, would it be better if I gave him a pot of honey instead..?

[TN: Bu-surarilru, bad at names, part 10000444221. As for the nickname, I am sure you detectives can figure it out.]

He was born in Dyuvu, and to trade magic tools, he came to Elzmu and was caught. As he had a family in Dyuvu, I gave him enough money to get back. As he was poised to work as a slave here, when he heard that we were letting him go, he laughed out loud, grabbing his stomach. It was like I hit the funny bone of his or something as he laughed till tears came out. To tell the truth, seeing his giant frame shaking to and fro as he laughed was quite a sight.

As he was a merchant, I made a deal with him to repay this favor in the future. I would definitely cash in on this favor in the future!

And when I said that, he laughed again. Why?

Next was Mr Average, Bibinyaru, a Cat Beastman.

As my prediction that the other 2 would be female was overturned, I was feeling kinda down.

…Oh, I was not really hoping for another beautiful Onee-san.

His nickname would be Nyanru. You would feel like retorting why did I only choose the bottom half of his name but wasn’t it obvious? He was a cat beastman.

He too, was a merchant like Buhual, and got caught on the way to Elzmu. He too, was given money to get back. And he promised to return the money. As expected of a merchant.

As to prevent this from happening again, all I could do was to cast an anti-slavery barrier on them but it would not help them in the future. 2 grown men being protected by a 4 year old child was…

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