Chapter 140 - The Truth

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Color started returning back into my vision and the very first thing that I saw was a white... white... beard?!

" ... shave your beard! "

I shouted instinctively. Yes, there was no way I could had forgotten about it. This white stuff, god's beard, was the cause of my death in my previous life. To prevent that from ever happening again, I even told him to shaved his beard before I reincarnated. And that gramps gave a gentle smile like he understood!



God, as if reading my mind (actually there was no need to read my mind since my anger could be clearly seen from my face), looked at me with an aloof expression. My simmering anger erupted with various complains.

" But really, what is with this sudden move! I was about to help the other and all of a sudden I was back in this place?! "

I roared angrily without thinking. The gentlemanly part of me must be sighing. Hmm, I wondered if I ever yelled like this apart from my tsukkoming... no never.

Not at all. I was a bit troubled over how I can't seemed to controlled myself. Since when was I so pulled along by this body's age?

" That is how strong your feelings are right now. And it seems like you have also met a lot of others who accepts those strong feelings of yours. "

God said, smiling. That made me felt kinda embarrassed as I looked at the floor(?). I did know he read minds but reading it right now was really embarrassing. This god loved to poke people where it hurts. What bad personality he had.

He gave me, a loner, a huge [cheat] and even placed me in a noble's home even if I just wanted a normal life in the first time.

" Plus, why did you purposely gave me back the same face?! "

Even when I had a huge trauma regarding this face. The only thing he gave me according to my wishes was the inheritance of my previous life memories, only that. This gramps (god)... Rather than a god, his actions was already something of a devil...

" Well than.. "

As if he heard me, god looked at me with a complicated gaze before pulling out a shaver from somewhere. I mean, since he was a god, he should be able to do it with a snap of his fingers right? A strange scene unfolded in front of me as foam bubbled up from his beard as he started shaving. Strands of shaved beard started falling to the ground.

My lowered head then raised to meet with the cleanly shaved god.

" This is how I look. "

" Ah, no... sorry. "

I apologized sincerely. The face in front of me was an exact copy of my face. I can imagined my face turning into that in about 20 years or so. I had been dissing my own face for years so it was really a huge shock to see god having the same face as me. I had no idea so I was really sorry for cursing his face all this while.

God's face warped a bit when he heard my apology.

" What are you apologizing for? I am proud of this ikemen face that I have. It is very saddening to hear you apologize so stop it. "

Ah ha ha, what was with this god (baka)? Was he a narcissist who was fooling himself or did he had a fetish for liking ugly things? What a serious mistake. There was no way he could be saved. I can't saved him so please help, god! Ah, he's a god himself.

As I continued the tsukkomi in my heart, the playful eyes of god changed into affectionate ones.

" How's this world? "

(Um, Sorry) I've Been Reincarnated (Web Novel)Where stories live. Discover now