Chapter 115 - The 2 At That Time

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" ......When you finished unpacking, please head towards the room next door. "

" Ye, yes! "

Sending off Mary-San and the other maids who left after bowing, Zen let out a breath. A feeling of admiration rose in his heart as he smiled wryly.

" It is really as awesome...! It looks like there are endless guest rooms and to think that each room is fitted with a magical tool that lights up! And above all... how elegant! "

Having grown up in a magical tool shop, Zen knew.

All the magical tools in this house were of the highest grade. The mana stone attached were huge too. Of course, it would cost some to get them in the first place but they were also a testimony to how well the tools were being taken care of.

And if you looked closely, each magical tool had been there for some time now.

The Beryl family were part of the founding of Elzmu and these tools might most possibly be of that period. When Zen's thought went into that direction, he started getting excited as his heart pounded.

Above all, everyone in this house was so elegant. So different from those nobles who visited his shop while complaining all the while. Even Will called himself as [Boku].

[TN: Basically, 3 forms for the word I/me for guys. Watashi, Boku and Ore.]

Zen had thought he heard wrongly the first time. Will had spoken like all others when he was at school... and all of a sudden, Will, who usually spoke in a much ruder way, became very noble-like.

As Zen was admiring how Will could change in an instant, he then thought about those Nobles who visited his shop and when compared, they did sounded like a lot lower in hierarchy which depressed him.

He was very troubled when those Nobles visited his shop but he had always thought that they were one of the highest rank, and it turned out that they were of the lowest.

" Sigh.... "

Zen let out another sigh as he unpacked.

" Come to think of it... I wondered if Father's okay.. I'm really worried about him. But I had pretended to be cool in front of Ruby-neesan and said that I would not return until I graduate.. "

Zen's eyes glazed over as he thought about his father in Sociunnov's land. Maybe he should had gone back during summer holidays.

But, he had spoken big words before he enrolled into the academy. As his childhood friend, a cat beastman, Ruby-neesan and his father were worrying about him, he had told them " It's okay~ I would have graduate before you even know it. And then I would come back with my cert! ".

All men (boys) did this kind of stuff.

Even for Zen, whose head floated in the clouds, had a silver of pride. Plus, even if it was still unknown to him, Zen liked Ruby. Because he had always treated Ruby as his older sister who looked after him since he was young, he did not realized that he liked her. Although Zen was air-headed, he was not thick. Unlike someone else.

And that Ruby-neesan must be looking after his father on his behalf right now. If it was really the case, Zen felt sorry for troubling her.

" Will's father is really awesome.... and so cool.... "

Compared to his father.... Zen's shoulders fell but his eyes sparkled.

Gion sudden appearance and his unusual display of him rubbing Will's cheek was slightly weird, but it was really cool how Gion would simply shifted back into a serious look. And to add on to that the title of being the NO.1 strongest in Elzmu, it was enough to make anyone admired him.

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