Chapter 080 - In The End, Ivan Is An Idiot

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" Hmm. How frank, are you turning homosexual? "

Zirco said, alighting from the horse carriage.

" ....Eh? ", Will was in the carriage with Mr.Bear, discussing something. This came when Ivan was blankly staring at the starry sky. The soft and gentle smile of Jill Stuart was nowhere to be seen on the emotionless face. For a moment, unable to process, Ivan stared at him.

" Is Ivan-dono turning homo- "

" No! Wait a minute! What are you mistaken about?! "

Ivan cut into the sentence Jill Stuart was repeating to him, thinking he hadn't heard it. He can't overlook this. He had somehow heard something outrageous. Ho.... Homosexual....? How rude.

" I think I still love woman very much. "

" Please face reality. "

Harsh words were given back to Ivan. He knew that in reality, there was no one who could accept him loving a young child. But still, he can't ignore his feelings. What he loves was what he loves.

" Even if the inner was an adult (ghost), I still can't give up. "

Right now, Ivan did not have the determination to hit Willia but one day, he would do it. Until then, he was not going to give up.

" What about you, Jill Stuart-san? "

Zirco gave a puzzled face to the smiling Ivan.

" What are you talking about, Ivan-dono? What ghost? "

" Ah, that. Willia-chan is possessed by a ghost. "

" .....Hah? "

For a brief period, the 2 of them stared at each other, stunned.

" As I said, the spirit of the noble called Will.... "

" No, Will-dono has always been Will-dono. He cross-dressed as Willia in order to conceal his identity. "

" Stop lying. I understand how you feel as a father but no matter how I look, Willia-chan is only 5, 6 years old. "

" ....That is true.. "

It was actually 8 years old. Zirco conceded on this fact. If Will heard this, he could definitely cry. It was lucky he was not around to hear this conversation.

" Can a 6 year old act and speak like that? There's no way! I don't even use honorific speech. "

" ....Urgh. "

There was nothing Zirco could argue against. It was true that commonly, a child can't do it. He knew Will personally, and knew that he acted like this originally but if not, he would not have believed it either. In truth, he had doubts when the respected Kesamu-sama told him about it.

Somehow, this had turned really troublesome.

Can he convince the guy, who had fallen in love, in front of him? They would be together since he was hired. Whether if he liked it or not, Ivan could most likely come to realize it. Zirco gave up quickly on this matter.

" I will save Willia-chan. I can't stand to hit her now but one day... "

Glancing at Ivan, who was speaking enthusiastically, Zirco let out a deep sigh. The emotionless eyes were tinged with tiredness.

" ......Going to the Adventure Guild will prove helpful for the possessed. "

" In that case, let's go! "

Looking at Ivan, whose eyes were sparkling, Zirco nodded emotionlessly. He knew the [Shadows] would come attacking and Ivan would prove to be a help so there were no loss.

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