Chapter 109 - A Messed-Up Face

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When Shou came to, he found himself sleeping on his futon in his room. And outside the window he could hear birds chirping. This freezing coldness felt just like the early morning weather.

As he lay there, dazing for a bit as his brain began clearing up, he began to recall what happened last night. And then, Shou's face went pale. Like how the floor beneath him just gave way.

.......He cried himself to sleep.

Even though he had finally proved himself to be of help to this house! Katsuo was surely bound to be stunned at his behavior.

Shou felt like crying again but he gritted his teeth and resisted it. It seemed like his eyelids were swollen due to over-crying yesterday, looking like it had soaked in all of his tears yesterday. Ignoring it, he got out of his futon and began washing up. The water flowing out of the tap was freezing cold, but that temperature was just right for the him right now.

Shou then headed towards the kitchen. Katsuo might not have thought much of it when he gave Shou his room but the kitchen was right next to his room.

He wanted to make Miso soup and grilled fish for breakfast but he realized that rice hadn't been prepared. It was because he had cried himself to sleep yesterday. He had always prepared the rice for the next morning before he slept.

" ....No choice.. "

Shou mumbled to himself before changing his clothes and after which he left the house. It would be bread for breakfast today.

" Shou....! Where had you been, idiot! "

Once Shou entered the house, he was shouted at before getting wrapped in a hug by Katsuo.

" Eh.....Ka, Katsuo-san? "

Shou was troubled. He must have done something wrong. What was it that he did? Thinking about it, he came to the conclusion that it was because he hadn't made breakfast for today. His face paled as he apologized reflexively.

" I'm sorry! "

" What are you apologizing for? "

Katsuo released Shou from his arms as he asked Shou seriously. Seeing his face, Shou felt even more uneasy.

.......If this was to continue, I would be abandoned.

" I, I did not prepare today's breakfast... "

As Shou said with a trembling voice, Katsuo's face changed.

" Come here. "

Holding onto Shou's hand, which had turned cold from going outside, Katsuo forcefully pulled him into the house.

" Where did you go? "

After pulling Shou into the living room, Katsuo began asking.

" ...... I went to the bakery to get bread for breakfast. "

" I see. .....Sorry for suddenly shouting at you. But please, don't go out without saying anything the next time. "

...He thought Shou had run away and died outside or something like that. Since yesterday that happened. His inside really went cold when he couldn't find Shou.

After waking up, he went to Shou's room only to find him missing. To Katsuo, even though he had no idea why Shou was crying yesterday, he knew that it seemed like happy tears.

Shou had never ever been willful and on the contrary, he had tried to be of use to Katsuo ever since he was here. Katsuo had always thought that it was wrong.

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