Chapter 075 - The Struggle Of A Retired Soldier

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" Eh, what's up with that? "

In the dimly lit jail cell, in the background of the pile of armors and pig stood a young girl, who folded her arms. Or rather, me.

When the pig was knocked out by my killing intent, the attack started. Those guys, just because they were wearing armors, came at me full of confidence. But due to the weight of said armors, their movements were slow and without making use of its defense capability, they were all put to sleep by me.

Ah, how weak. Even if I was not a magician, you guys would still be beaten to the ground, you know?

Though I was using strengthening magic. Let's keep it a secret that I did think of not casting it. Carelessness is the biggest enemy one would ever have. A vase might just fall from the sky if you were not careful. But still, how weak. Too weak. Yes, my body was strengthened but they were weak to the extent that I think I could defeat them without even using magic. They were so weak that it being a trap was not possible.

I was using my enhanced hearing to check their heartbeat and breathing so I knew they were all knocked out. I don't think anyone could fake their heartbeat. Well, they could use magic to fool me but if that did happen..... checkmate.

I don't think that will happen though. I cannot see any reason for them to go that far. If they possessed that high of an ability, it would be faster, and much more fun to simply come at me from the start, head on.

Which means.

Occam razor. These guys were illegal slave merchants and their rogues. That would make the most sense. Yep. I wasted a lot of my time on them.

" ......Sigh..... "

A deep sigh escaped from my lips. During this entire time, Matilda-san must be preparing for the 'auction'. Let's clean this up quickly.

But this was kind of embarrassing. To think I was thinking seriously and even nodding to myself... how very embarrassing. Oh well, it's no use thinking further.

" ....Let's not bother about the small details- "

Let's stop.

A young girl along in the jail cell spouting some old gag will not look good to anyone. Hm? It's too late? And that it's not a young 'girl'?

Mm. It must be my imagination that I heard something just now. Yep, my imagination. I will make it so.

It's fine, it's fine. I am a man who does not bother about these petty things, full stop. 'For goodness sake, just get this [shadow] business over and done with so I can stop this cross-dressing!' was not what I was thinking! .....Ah, no, no.

Let's stop. My shoulders slumped in dejection.

" ...Yep, let's get it over with. "

Anyway, it's total annihilation time.

Even today, in the barracks, it's noisy. In exchanged for staying quiet on the streets all evening, the soldiers squeezed into the barracks were going as loud as they could.

Flowason was not a big town. The soldiers here were almost all in-charge of the checkpoint. They do patrol the town but as night approaches, they don't do it as much, nor as detailed ―――――――― Those who go out in the night are responsible for their own action.

It was common sense in Hattuo. Without streetlights, it would not be as bright as the daytime. Hattuo, Hadazerl, and even Dyuvu, a mercantile nation, were as so. The only place which had street lights was Elzmu.

Which means, it is indoor once the night comes. The only open stores were high class restaurants or bars. They were the kind of places where Nobles, that had bodyguards, or people who could protect themselves went to.

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