Chapter 097 - The Swimming Tournament & The Something That Flowed Away

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TN: Thanks for waiting guys! I finally went out and found a place with better wifi.

I have bad news. I might not be able to meet the schedule of 1 update every 3 days. It might be once per week..... Sorry.

Entering the classroom, I buried my head in studying for trying to avoid answering that question. My aim right now was trying to master every single details about the geography and the climate of Elzmu.

Be it the preparation for managing the territory or following in my Father's footsteps of being an adventurer first, geography was a must. Plus, knowing the detailed information about various places was needed to properly manage a territory. Otherwise, it would be difficult to survive.

For harmony, victory or defeat, information was valuable and extremely important. Ah...although I was not thinking of completing now.

No matter, there was no disadvantage to learning.

I was thinking of taking out the book from the table that John-sensei passed me if I ever felt like learning about climate or geography. Zen, sitting next to me, peeked over and when he saw me opening the first page, he gave a deep sigh and started his self-study.

......Would this be that thing, the common knowledge that every lower acad knew about Elzmu?

I had no common knowledge. I was quite self-aware that my knowledge was quite one-sided. .....The friends I had till now was limited to John-sensei or Chiffon.... Let's stop. I don't want to think about it.

By the way, as for Selphy, she made a face as if she stepped on a bug and left the moment she saw me taking out the book.

After staying like that for a while, the front of the classroom started getting noisy. It would be weird for them to be this noisy if it was only Zelda-sensei appearing. Could it be...he finally got rid of the unfitting suit he always wore?!

I lifted my head up as I thought about those rude stuff. But, still, I could see nothing. But those guys in front of them were looking down at the floor, pointing at it.

" Is there a snake there or something......? "

That the same moment I mumbled to myself, it jumped onto the teacher's desk.

" Everyone from the first year White team, are you all here? Today, I have an announcement from my master. Please head over to the gymnasium. "

Saying that, he bowed and left the classroom smartly as he left the rest there, mouth agape.

.......Wasn't he.... wasn't he Alcumedes-san?!!!

It appeared that Alcumedes-san had informed the rest of the classes as well as when we were out into the corridor, discussion about a 'walking eyeball' could be heard. Part of them were excitedly discussing about the topic about 'My Master' while the rest were walking as if they were in a daze.

I wondered what would happen if they knew that 'The Master' was referring to the King.

Apart from getting curious and really looking forward to any amusing reaction, and also since there was no way to escape, I obediently headed towards the gym.

" Will, what do you think about this~? "

Zen asked.

" Hm....I wonder... "

I would be exposed if I were to give a weird answer so I simple tilted my head.

" Ah, so you don't know anything too~ Yeah. I wonder when Zelda-sensei changed into that.... "


What did he say just now?! Zelda-sensei...?!

Although I did not pay attention to the first half, why did the conversation suddenly change direction? Why did it suddenly bounce over to the Zelda-sensei?!

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