Chapter 128 - Our Savior (First - Gurus POV)

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It had been 10 years since Gurus entered this company. It was just like yesterday when the 15 year old him had decided to work in this company, thought a tired and weary Gurus as he clothed his tired and weary body.

" Sigh..... "

He let out a deep sigh. The company chair he sat onto made a weird creaking sound as if accompanying him. He had thought that he gotten used to it but still, it strike him deeply. In this small company where he was the only one working in the sales department, there was no one he could shared his troubles with.

The company Gurus was working at was a company that creates [Fireworks].

After seeing the fireworks at a Noble's dinner party, the young him then decided that he would enter into this industry. But unknown to him, the fireworks industry was a really tiny place that was about to head into extinction.

After he found out about that fact, he vowed that he would spread the beauty of fireworks all over the place and bring this industry back to life. But real life had not been that easy.

And today too, had another party organizer that went " I had never used fireworks nor do I know what's the reason for it. Besides, what exactly is fireworks? ". And when Gurus answered that it was something akin to seeing brightly lit flowers blooming in the sky, he got back a response about why can't they use magic instead and was directed a rude look. Plus, fireworks were not exactly cheap just to try to see how it would go.

He was about to give up.

The only reason why the company was still holding on was because this was the company that the First Founder himself passed the technique onto. It had a feeling of being a traditional art form.

It was not like the company was in debts, nor was it heading for a decline. But even so, to be existing on such a thin and fine thread was not something Gurus would like.

He wanted to convey the beauty to every citizen and let them know the how splendid fireworks would be.

" I'm really at my end.... "

He said weakly. And at this exact moment. Jingle Jingle. Sounds were heard coming from the metal bell hanging outside the door. And there was only 1 person who would ring it.

" A customer....?! "

Jumping onto his feet, an unbelievable Gurus rushed to answer the door.

Disappointment enveloped him when Gurus first opened the door.

Yes, because the one standing in front of the door was a very young boy. Ah, he must had either got the wrong door or was simply playing a prank.... But even as he thought that, Gurus put on a professional smile and started his [Sales] attitude.

As not to give a bad impression by being angry, Gurus tried hard at suppressing his sigh and directed a huge smile at the boy.

" Hello, is there anything I can help you? This is a fireworks company so... "

" Ah, so I was right! Thank god. I saw no one being around so I was worried if I got the wrong place. "

But words that came out of the boy's mouth overturned all of Gurus's assumptions. The boy spoke in a clear and polite tone so it did not look to be a prank. Plus, he said he was looking for this place.

Did he came over for an errand from his parents? Realizing that, he looked closely and found out that the boy was wearing clothes of fine quality and his attitude was calm and steady.

Maybe he was not running an errand but was instead an apprentice from another company. After all, he did not looked to be of school age so maybe he was learning something in advance to prepare for his future.

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