Chapter 029 - Way Too Suspicious

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TN: This took longer then usual.. But hey, new chapter! Just to warn people, 2 POVs, Will & John.

In a dimly lit room, there was a man exerting violence against a tied up, defenseless man. Not punches and kicks but something on another level.

―― Knife cuts.

I trembled.

A short while ago, I arrived at the Veltor’s house, sensed that John-sensei was in the middle of the area and teleported over.

With my presence and figure staying hidden by magic.

It seemed to be the basement here. John-sensei was being threatened by that man as he slashed at him with a short knife. Seeing that, my blood began to boil.

Stop screwing around!

It was unclear if that was directed at the man who was hurting Sensei or me, who took my time heading here. I moved to attack, channeling my anger.

I jumped lightly, focused the mana around my leg to strengthen it and kicked with all I had. I ended up doing a roundabout kick in the heat of my anger. Turned out I put a lot more force into it than I expected.

With a loud noise, that man slammed against the wall.

….Hm? Was he really that weak? Oh man, was he dead? People should not die that easily.. yep, he was not dead. I think.

After a time lag, he slid down to the floor with a thud. Looking at the man lying there, motionless, I manipulated the gravity on him for extra measures to prevent him from moving.


I must be imagining that his nose was bleeding.

[TN: Just how hard did you hit that guy?]

He had a plump figure and was wearing clothes accessorized with gaudy looking ornaments that screamed ‘I am a Noble!’. I would guess his age to be around thirties… You could say he looked like, yet unlike John-sensei.

Hah, let’s leave him there for the moment.

The important thing right now was John-sensei. In a haste, I ran over to John-sensei’s side. I saw knife marks all over his body and he was currently breaking out in cold sweat. I started regretting after seeing him in pain.

…That man, I should have hit him harder.

John-sensei’s face twisted in pain and looked to be on the verge of fainting. The rope binding him looked normal but was actually embedded with magic.

Not a problem.

What a meaningless spell to use. While questioning the weak magic, I offset it chantlessly. With the rope gone, I lifted John-sensei, who was lying face down on the ground, up. Our eyes met and questions rose up as he registered who I was.

With a voice that sounded like he was wheezing every last bit out of his lungs, he said.

” …..W..Will…? Why…..? ”

” Rather than that.. ”

Cutting off Sensei, I smiled, trying to calm him down.

“《治癒》” [TN: Chiyu, Heal]

The reason I chanted it out was to allow John-sensei to understand what magic I was casting on him. Even if I didn’t say it out now, I would still have to explain later. That and how I arrived here.

Looking at his bare skin through the torn shirt, I saw that, despite being a scholar, he had a relatively well-toned body, somewhat erotic looking. My inferiority complex was acting up, so I casted 1 more magic on top of it.

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