Chapter 033 - Regain Consciousness

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As for the incident, they could finally deal with the Anti-Kingdom faction nobles that had caused much troubles for the Emperor by exposing their crimes all at once. Nobles included Veltor, of course, as well as people who collaborated and were close to him.

That was fast. Father, you were too amazing. Who were you, really?

As for the captured ‘Shadows’, it was covered up by saying that Father had laid a trap and caught them. Ah, that was not a complete lie.

Trap = Me.

For me, I would wish to avoid increasing any troublesome matters coming my way and if an incident like this ever happened again, I could act as the hidden card and mostly, I wanted to live normally.

If it was exposed, I might be seen as a strange child or even be persecuted… No, if I was being treated as a strange one, then people would distance themselves away from me, to which floodgates might open from my eyes.

If possible, I would still want people to like me.

It had been 3 days since the incident happened and already, all the Anti-Kingdom faction had completely gone underground. And Father made new fans out of the citizens there.

It was scary how fast rumors could spread. Like how germs spread themselves, or how mice bred. They always said how rumors spread like wind. It just might spread faster than the wind.

[TN: English – Rumors spread like wildfire.]

Oh yes, it had been 3 days when the incident was safely behind us. And now, I needed to face a problem straight on.

” Sensei, they are not waking up. ”

In place of Father, who was buried in paperwork, John-sensei was entrusted with the duty of looking after the arrested ‘Shadows’. As the cover story was said to be Father’s trap, it could not be left to people who did not know the truth. By the way, I was attached as a freebie.

…Because, my feeling of guilt was overwhelming.

I seemed to have made a mistake with my gravity magic and caused them to have almost all of their bones broken and were currently in a deep sleep. I casted healing magic and there were no longer any problem with their health but the trio, who had their collar removed, had not awakened yet.

Sensei said that it must be the mental strain of having their collars removed and was not my fault but still… the feeling of guilt gnawed at me. I could not forget the expression on Onee-san’s face before she fainted. Sometimes, in her sleep, she would have a pained expression on her face.

” Yes… As I thought, they would still need time to recover. ”

Sensei sighed along with me and looked at the trio’s sleeping faces. Sensei rested his chin in his hand and had a complex expression on his face before sitting down on the sofa placed across from the bed. As a habit, I sat beside him.

Ah, that was careless of me!

” By the way. ”

2 hands firmly gripped my shoulders as I was turned towards Sensei. Our eyes met.

…. His eyes were glittering!

” It is about time to tell me about your magic, Will. ”

Ah, that’s right.

I promised to tell him later so there was no way I could run away! Having said that, it was actually the same as Japanese from my previous world! If I actually said that, he would rage that I was only a [cheat] bastard and everything would end. In short, I was very troubled right now. These 3 days, half of it were spent looking after the ‘Shadows’, another half of it were spent thinking of a way to explain.

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