Chapter 094 - The Magic Tool Shop And Dylan

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TN: I'm late for a day! Sorry, the internet was not working yesterday and I gave up tinkling with it. Enjoy!

Magic tools.

Throughout history, it was known as the miracle that could make impossible into possible. After engraving the detailed magic circle onto it and setting a mana stone, you could blow life into it. It was a dream -like existence, as long as you keep the mana stones going, one could even overcome the wall of being bound by your attribute.

Well then, let's ignored that last paragraph, which advertised the excellence of magic tools, you noticed the word 'magic' in front. Of course, that meant that normal tools apart from 'magic tools' exist too.

If only magic tools exist in this world, then they would simply be called 'tools' instead.

Well, let me apply the example of the tools we had on earth. Those that obey the laws of physics. Cars that ran on gas were called normally as cars but when the new breed which uses electric instead, appeared, they were branded as 'Electric Cars'. If cars were being called as 'cars that follow the laws of physic', you could think if there were any other kind. Like what? Telekinesis cars? ....Which was why that kind of naming would cause confusion.

In the first place, just about 200 years ago, magic was deemed to be something only doable by Nobles. For the commoners, they would hardly be able to live without any sorts of tools. Of course, those that can be used without magic.

Presently, most of the commoners in Hattuo spend much of their lives without even encountering magic. To them, the only tools they know were of the non-magical kinds.

Dylan Magical Tool Shop

It was a building made out of stone, and had a thick-set wooden door. If not without the signboard stating it's name, you wouldn't even noticed it was a shop. For it looked just like any other house.

In the first place, it was not situated in a place for business. In other words, this was a residential area. If they really wanted to do business, they would had never chose this kind of place.

By the looks of how their goods were arranged haphazardly, it just gave of a feeling of not wanting to do business. Anyway, the only person working was the owner, who was deep inside the shop, working on his craftsmanship. That might be the reason why he do not felt like serving customers.

And this Dylan Magical Tool Shop was at the west of Elzmu, just next to the Iiza River, at a street governed by Sociunnov house. It was as though fate was playing a trick, as the next head would be Mi but....

The owner, who was working silently, raised his head up.

" .....I wonder what's happening with Zen.... "

Yes, this magic tool shop was Zen's house.

" Bruno-san! "

Having heard a voice, the owner snapped his head up. It was already evening.

He then stood up redundantly, for it was a voice he was familiar with. Brushing aside the pieces of metal piling up all around him, he finally made his way to the counter.

" Oh, so it's Ruby. "

" What oh! How many times do you think I called you?! At least be slightly embarrassed about it! "

Raising her slanted eyes at him, was dark-skinned white-fluffy ears cat beastman. It was a girl at the peak of her youth around 20.

" Ah, I am very sorry. "

" Why did you say that as though you're reading lines?! And badly to-! "

She said that as her tail and ears stood up straight, her entire body trembling as she retorted before biting her own tongue. She stood there quietly, embarrassed, her entire face red. And, without minding Rudy, Bruno opened his mouth.

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