Chapter 125 - The Reason For Not Telling

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" Diary....? "

John-Sensei stood there, frozen as his mouth stayed open. Without thinking, I burst out chuckling at that sight. What a rare sight, to had such a handsome face showing such a stupid expression. But it sure was unfair that he was still handsome despite that.

" Yes, a diary. "

I said as I kept chuckling, which then John-Sensei regained his bearing and his expression turned pensive. Urging John-Sensei to take a seat, I took a pot and tea leaves out of my 4th dimension poc... cough cough, I meant pendent.

"《冷水》" [TN: Reisui, ice / cold water]

And with that, the pot was instantly filled with ice cold water. If I casted that magic without imagining anything, fresh water would come out instead.

But it's me, someone who don't compromise on anything even if it was only a part-time job, the part-time-work-devil. Brewing tea could only be done by using soft water and so, with that image in mind, I casted my magic.

I then placed the tea leaves inside the glass pot already filled with water. Now for the finishing touches!


[TN: Fast forward time by 10 minutes on this!]

Yes, magic sure was handy. Taking cups out of my locket pendent, I chantlessly made ice cubs appeared it and began pouring the tea.


A nice refreshing sound rang out when the ice hit the glass cups. I passed a cup over John-Sensei, who took it with a stunned expression.

The both of us then took a sip.

Hmmm, what a refreshing taste.

Cold drinks sure was a must for summer.

Well then, I can't continued wasting time like this. John-Sensei began to fidget as he kept glancing over with sparkling eyes. After finishing our drinks, I began speaking.

" I did tell you that I knew how magic works before, didn't I? I am not lying, but neither am I telling the whole truth. "

" That... I thought so. "

At my words, John-Sensei had a 'I thought so' look on his face as he smiled.

" Yep. That was because I could understand the words used in the spells. In other words, I would understand it's 'language'. Which was why I would freely use it. "

That's right. John-Sensei area of research was in chants and circles. And he too, believed that magic was actually a 'language'. My words just gave all the researchers and theorists a solid answer.

" All the chants and words are actually all from one language. For example, the 2 chants I did previously. The first chant means 'Ice Water'. If it was a circle, the 2 words of 'ice' and 'water' would be written down. "

Why was it, that in this world, the theory that magic was a language was not proved? Even though there were research proving that some symbols on the circle corresponded to the chant, why was that if it was a word instead, it was deemed to be an entirely different thing?

[TN: Japanese is consists of Hiragana (ひらがな), Katagana (カタガナ) and Kanji (漢字). There are 3 ways of writing it, as seen from the example. The symbols might be referring to either Hiragana or Katagana while words are Kanji.]

Although it might seemed weird, but I kinda get the reason why. In this world, there was only 1 language. Well... as long as it's within the Ranaa Continent.

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