Chapter 081 - Invitation

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TN: Imagine my surprise when it stated that my last post was 5 days ago.. Sorry for the wait guys. I was very very addicted to a novel and just simple can't tear my eyes away from it.

After reading about 280 chapters I could finally move my eyeballs away from that text to this text so...

This was the first.

I had been dragged into various troubles but never had I been embroiled in a religious one. Each and everyone would have their own sense of values and notion and I knew that it differs with everyone and I was not to judge. I also thought I should not impose my own values on others. But that was not the problem.

Which meant, religion existed in this world.

Unlike my previous world, there was no 'free-thinker' nor the acceptance of other religions.

Why was that?

Easy. The god was real in this world.

No really, you can actually see them.

At one end, there was the Adventurer Guild. Following the usual tropes of an orthodox Adventurer Guild, it did give an adventurer card. And this card was created by god.

Another troupe, one was to touch the crystal ball and the card would materialize above it. This crystal would appear once a guild was built.

Good grief. That grandpa... the spells were all Japanese and even the Adventurer Guild was as orthodox as they came. It all reminded me of him. I was really doubting if he was doing it on purpose.

Anyway, that was the reason for the absence of religious problems. This was a world where you can feel God working his 'magic'.

" Hmm~ I am looking forward to it. "

I lay on the creaking bed, muttering to myself. The inn itself was rather worn out but the Innkeeper looked like a good person. He did not reveal any disgust at Buu-san too. I believed that I would not be dragged into another kidnapping situation this time round. Please no.

We rented 2 rooms. Ivan-san had stubbornly opposed to sharing a room with me.

How sad. Onii-san, you made me really sad.

He said nothing could stop him but it seemed that cross-dressing was way too disgusting for him.

....Ahhh.....He misunderstood. He totally misunderstooddd!!

I had to lay it down that this was really not my hobby! We would spend a lot of time together since I hired him so what was this uneasy situation? Ahh, whatever. I was not going to bother about that. Nope. Uh-uh. Not bothering.

Zirco-san looked like he was going to persuade Ivan-san as he left for the other room. Buu-san followed him. Since I was the one being targeted by [Shadows], it would make it easier to lure them too, being the only one left.

Tomorrow, we are going to get a guild card in replacement of identity papers for Ivan-san.

While we are on it, I would love to get mine created as well but... ah, sadly, this was an undercover mission. Since I can't really deceive God's Eyes, I can't get my guild card made.

That's too bad. That's too bad.

But, then, even so!!

It is going to be my first time in an Adventurer Guild! Was there anything more exciting than this? No, there wasn't! I did not enter one in my past life too. No, something would be wrong if I did.

I was so excited!


It was when I was laying on my bed, thinking about these stuff.

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