Chapter 027 - Premonition

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TN: This is a weird little chapter. We get Gion’s POV first, then 3rd person, then John’s POV.

Don’t worry, they’re not all repeats, just stuff that happened when Will is busy being a superhero.

Have fun reading!

Today, from the moment I woke up, I had a bad feeling.

With that feeling hanging over me, I headed towards the dining room and saw my son, who just turned 4 years old, bashfully holding hands with Mary-san.

….I was healed.

My son was definitely the cutest thing ever.

He had my hair color with Lily’s eyes. Just that alone made him plenty cute but his short limbs and soft cheeks were a huge plus. I could understand why he was so popular among the maids. Even the straight-laced Mary turned all gooey around him.

…I feared for his future.

But, Will was scarily clever. John had joked that they reached ‘Court Examination Levels’ but even with that exaggeration I could accept it. Just a few days ago, I was shocked at how he could read and understand what was written in the documents. At only that age, his table manners was perfect, could read and write, and had such high understanding of mathematics that even John could not help but praise him.

My heart softened as I watched him chewing with that small mouth of his and just at this time, the maids came over with an apologetic face for disturbing our meal.

It seemed that a messenger from the Veltor’s house had arrived, bearing the news about the critical condition of John’s mother.

And with that, I saw the apologetic and restrained John out.

…Was the bad feeling I had referring to this?

But, it did not go away.

Hmm… So it seemed that Will’s lesson for today was cancelled.

Recently, I had been training Will. I called it training, but it was really just me looking over as Will, who was unable to hold a sword yet, learned the stances of swordplay.

Even so, I was happy and glad to watch Will, whose eyes sparkled as he focused on his training.

I wondered if it was about time to make a sword for children so Will could learn how to hold it. Thinking about it, I made my way to the office and saw my subordinates there.

” G..Gion-sama! ”

” What is the matter? ”

From their stressed faces, I would see that something bad had cropped up.

” Y..Yes! ‘They‘ have begun moving within the capital! ”

The capital…?

‘They‘ should be keeping a low profile recently yet all of a sudden they were exposing themselves out in the open in the capital?

Even with so many questions, I knew I had to do something. I started preparing in haste.

Without thinking, I clicked my tongue.

The ominous feeling from this morning must be this. The scale of this news matched my premonition but something still tugged at me…

What should I do…

I told Will not to leave the house in case anything happened before I left in my carriage.

At full speed, I managed to reach the capital in 4 hours. I had just barely made it.

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