Chapter 042 - Apology And Zen

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TN: Here’s another one, just cause that darn cliffhanger.

I did think about the usual setting of it breaking due to over capacity, and it really turned out to be that.

” …….I see. ”

By that, the Headmaster was slightly shocked.

” You are not going to ask about it? Did you already know that phenomenon? ”

” No….. I predicted that that might be the case. ”

I could feel an amazing aura from the Headmaster so I thought that rather than lying badly, I might as well reply honestly.

” I see. ”

Sipping on his tea, Headmaster continued explaining, already knowing that my mana amount was not normal.

” Yes, the magic to break would be invoked the moment it is aware of that fact. ”

Even so… I replied with another question.

” Does Zelda-sensei not know about that phenomenon? ”

Headmaster looked at me for a second before returning his gaze to his tea, laughing heartily.

” The crystal measurement tool placed in the Primary Academy had a limit of 300. The average mana a regular adult holds is around 100~150. However it is not rare to find double or even triple that amount. That is why it is normal for freshman to possess half, or even less than that amount. Zelda must not have thought you are that abnormal. ”

Headmaster, who was laughing rather inappropriately at that, had eyes that sparkled. In that case why would the Headmaster come to that conclusion so easily? Can it be due to his experience?

” But thanks to this happening previously, I came to know about it. ”

” It happened previously……? ”

” That’s right, there was a student, who, like you, broke the crystal ball because of over-capacity. ”

Headmaster placed his cup of tea down with a clatter.

” Gion Beryl. Your father. ”

―――――――――――――――― Of course.

As expected of Father.

I really had to thank Father. Thanks to him being the precedent, this whole incident was able to be solved smoothly. In the end, my mana was to be measured with a crystal ball of a higher limit on the day after.

It seems like the Elf race possesses high mana. That was already expected but they were being called as Fairy race in this world. There were various theories about that, in that their mana was high or that they used to be able to converse with faeries.

Anyway, in regards of those students, the Phyllis Academy had set another day, with a higher limit crystal ball, for the mana examination. And I would be measured along with everyone else on that day.

Today was set only for body examinations so our classes ended in the morning. It had ended before I even knew it when I was chatting with the Headmaster.

Which is why, instead of my classroom, I am currently returning to my dorm instead. Or rather, I got lost. This school was way too big….. Because of that, after much effort, when I finally found my way to the White Wind Dorm, it had already reached late afternoon.

” I am back…. ”

The moment I opened the door, Zen came flying over.

” Will! Are you okay? I was worried because you were so late! ”

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