Chapter 070 - Cast Aside Shame When Traveling (Last)

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TN: I think I am on my way to recovering... I think... oh please... not again...

A ripple ran through the school that day.

" ........Beryl's son is playing truant? "

The baritone voice sounded throughout the classroom. The poor White Wind Year Ones who did nothing, trembled. The title of being number 2 in the academy was not just for show. The temperature dropped lower.

" To skip the lesson, of all things, on dangerous beast summoning.. As expected of his son. "

He slowly raised his right hand and ran his fingers through his comb-backed hair. 'His son?' Questioning looks ran through the class but at this point of time, no one dared to ask. If there was anyone, that person would be dubbed as a Hero (idiot).

In the heavy atmosphere of the classroom that one would start wondering if the windows were going to break soon, Varino, the mastermind, took no heed of it as he placed his hand on the table and declared.

" I am going to get a long and detailed explanation from him next time. I'll be counting on all of you if you ever catch sight of him. "

Leaving those words, the chill in the classroom dispersed but the entire class shook their heads violently. The meaning behind those words were a silent threat to bring William to him and if they did not.... There was no one who dared to go against this order.

Friendship? What's that? It was true friendship to stand up to a friend who did wrong things.

Everyone came together. Their hearts were of one.

You cannot do wrong things.

" Aaachooooo! "

All of a sudden, I sneezed. If it's not my nose that was itching, that meant someone was talking behind my back. The night air was rather humid but somehow, I felt a chill. I trembled. What was wrong with me?

I tilted my head in confusion but then I felt a magical beast presence above me. I immediately knocked it down.


[TN: Kamaitachi, Whirlwind razor. Again, not the yokai.]

It was just a magic I used to assist since Zirco-san was here but it ended up being really useful. I really found a treasure here. As expected of an old-fashioned (delusion) magic. [TN: This magic came from the yokai and yokai might not exist so...] You really cannot look down on the (black) history of chuuni-ness.

The magical beast that came falling out of the sky was a bird-like creature. Most likely, this was the rumored Sea bird.

It was covered in green feathers with orange lines running all over its body. It had a mohawk-like hairstyle(?) made out of yellow feathers on top of its head. Its name was quite rock-sounding as well. Mohawk + rock = funky~

But the colors of magical beasts sure were marvelous. Life sure is mysterious.

Although its colorful feathers were a bit of a turn-off, its meat shouldn't be a problem. Okay, you shall be our breakfast tomorrow. I then casually stored the Sea bird into my pendent.

" .........So boring. "

William Beryl, 8 years old.

Right now, he was at his first camp site. But he was bored.

A barrier was set up around the surroundings so there should be no problem there. Plus, it was set up to detect any sign of a presence, mana or movement. If anyone could bypass this barrier, I would gladly offer my head to them. Not to mention Zirco-san and Buu-san were here. A former shadow. It would be almost impossible to sneak an attack on us.

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