Chapter 084 - Awareness & Determination

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Looking at the fainted Zirco-san, Buu-san and I smiled wryly at each other. As for Ivan-san, he was crouching down and, for some reason, sobbing.....

What was this chaos?

In the end, everything ended without me explaining anything even if I wanted to when I first teleported them into my room.

Did I mess up the order of what I was to explain?

No, or can I say it can't be helped?

There was nothing much I could do. It was not my fault.

Since there was no other choice, I summarized everything with Buu-san, the only one still sane. Since we had to report this chain of accidents to the King, there was no harm in making sure we were on the same page.

" The root of [Shadows] were, as expected, in Hattuo. "

I said as Buu-san nodded.

" I am convinced since this is a human supremacy country as well. "

That's right.

We should have suspected Hattuo from the start when we realized the 3 [Shadows] sent to kidnap me were Beastmen that were wearing [Collars of Slavery]. Or at least included them in the list of suspected masterminds.


" .....Are they fighting against themselves? "

" Might be. Since they attack Ivan-san in his uniform too. "

" ......No, it might be the [Shadows] trick. "

I said, changing my mind. If it was them, they wouldn't blink an eye at being sacrifice to jumble up the investigation of them being friend or foe. This was the conclusion I came to after seeing their methods of doing things.

Yeah, the mastermind was completely black.

" .......Even so, the summoned beast. A mystery. It is obvious that Demon was way stronger than Spinel. "

That's right.

According to the mana I felt, Demon's mana chill was a lot stronger than Spinel, who might have mana slightly higher than the norm. Plus, Spinel's attacks were a lot weaker than Demon's.

I had thought that since Demon was a battle mania, he might have followed Spinel if he was stronger than him but.....

Even if Spinel was concealing his mana inside him, something seemed wrong. Like, somehow....

" Like he was tired.... "

That one sentence that accidentally got leaked out shocked Buu-san.

" Huh? What tired? "

" Ah, no. I thought Spinel's movement looked like he was very tired. "

" Was it? "

" Eh, isn't it so? You did see how he moved right? "

Was I wrong in thinking he was conscious just now? Looking at my expressions, Buu-san's stunned expression changed.

" No no no no, he was moving at a speed that I already find it hard to follow! "

There was nothing I could say at that. Buu-san quickly changed the conversation after he saw how speechless I became.

" But, in that basement where the [Collar Of Slavery] is attached to me.... There are a lot of magical tools lining around. I wonder if there is any connection... "

" Is that true?! "

I said, hooking onto his words.

Damn it, damn it!

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