Chapter 090 - The Shadow's Magic Tools & The Magic Language

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" .....Please show me the tools from the Hall of Shadows. "

I said to John-sensei nervously but he gave a consenting look at me.

" ....True, you might know something since you're Will. "

John-sensei then injected mana into a lock on top of a chest. Click, cluck noises sounded as it sprang open. John-sensei then thrust his arm deep into it.

" There. Though it's not supposed to be shown to others. "

Say that, John-sensei looked at me with eyes like I was his master, holding a bowl.

A bowl of 'food'.

I stared at him with slightly reproachful eyes but thinking about it, of course he would show that kind of eyes. It was because even for all the researchers working in Elzmu's castle, they might not even come up with 1 new spell in this lifetime. Which was why these kind of new magical tools were valuable to them.

The tool handed over was shaped like a birdcage and had a magic stone embedded in the place where the bird was supposed to be. I opened the cage door and took out the stone, revealing the magic circle underneath.

" "

Simulating mana increase...?

Looking at the dumbfounded me, John-sensei asked with a serious look on his face.

" Will, do you know the meaning of this circle? "

Usually he would hide his interest well but regarding this, oh how John-sensei had fallen.

" Yes. The carved circle had a magic to mimic an increase in mana. "

" I see..... The reason why the chief of Shadows had summoned beasts of higher mana than him following him was.... "

" Because of this tool, which gathered mana from the surroundings and forcefully pushed it into the user. "


Unintentionally, both of us looked at each other in silence. This was the only way one could increase their mana pool. It was not impossible, but very very very difficult to do.

" This.... "

John-sensei groaned, stunned.

" I think Spinel's death was caused by this... "

As the truth was too shocking, I went into a daze. I rushed over, worrying if Spinel's death was because of me but it was not so.

To summon Demon, Spinel's body was being used/eaten up. Even I did nothing, he would die anyway. Rather, it could be said that thanks to me draining his mana, he managed to live a little while longer.

" ......ha.. "

A small sigh of relief leaked out.

I was quite heartless, wasn't I?

I would never know what pushed him to do this, even disregarding his life, but knowing that he did it, gave me the chills.

Even though everyone would die sooner or later.

I was relieved. I didn't know if it's a good or a bad thing, but I was not a kid, overflowing with a sense of 'justice', who thought that all evil must be defeated as I knew that the world was not as simple. People didn't usually produce a bright smile when they killed off an enemy like those of a superhero show.

...But I wondered if I was as cold-hearted for feeling relief.

" I am relieved. "

As all of that was going through my mind, John-sensei said that, folding his arms.

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