Creatures (Chris Motionless)

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Chris's POV

"What would make you think she would want to see you Chris?" Ricky asked. "Because we love each other." I said getting ready. I actually have no idea what would happen when I show up to see her. I still love Belladonna. Her parents tortured her and it drove her insane. She wasn't insane to me; I thought she was perfect. Her parents are radical extreme Christians and they thought she was Satan reincarnated just because of the way she dressed, looked, acted and the people she hung out with. Her parents hated me. Her parents did an exorcism on her and even nailed her to the cross. I found her and called the police. Her parents are in jail but Belladonna got shipped to the mental institution. I haven't seen her in a long time because the nurses would not allow her visitors. I finally got a call from the institution to come see her. I had no clue how she would react. It has been about a year. I still love her more than anything in the world. I fixed my eyebrows and climbed into my car. I started driving to the institution. I arrived and they signed me in. They made sure I had nothing to hurt her or for her to hurt herself. I was placed at a table and I waited for her to come out. As soon as she walked through that door she was the same beautiful girl I fell in love with. Her half black and white hair was still vibrant and long. She still had pale snow skin and a gorgeous complexion. She looked up at me and it seemed that she was about to cry.

Belladonna's POV

I was getting a visitor today. I am finally allowed visitors. The only nurse who was nice to me helped me re-dye my hair and helped me clean myself up. "I can wear actual clothes?" I asked. She nodded handing me a black crop top that had witch written across the chest with a pentagram on one sleeve and a crescent moon on the other. She also handed me a pair of black leggings with white upside down crosses. She even handed me studded combat boots. I smiled and hugged her. "I heard you might even get to go home today." She said. I started welling up with tears. She held me tightly and let me cry. She knew I was never insane and she treated me like her own. I fixed my wavy hair and put on a little bit of eyeliner. She smiled at me. "Good luck Belladonna." She said hugging me. I thanked her. I started walking down the long hallway. I couldn't look up I was too shocked that I had a visitor. I finally looked up and I saw him. The man I love with all my heart. I felt tears well up in my eyes. He stood up and smiled at me. I ran over and attached myself to him. He caught me and I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. "I have missed you so much." I cried. "I never want to loose you ever again." He said. He kissed my head and I buried my face into his chest. "Please take me home." I said. "Can you come home?" he asked. 'The doctors were thinking about it." I said. He smiled and kissed me over and over again. I just sat on his lap as he held me in his lap. He sang to me my favorite song that he written. "I love City Lights." I said interlacing my fingers with his. "Belladonna, we were together for years and I mean years; since freshman year in high school. I never stopped loving you. Will you marry me?" he asked. I smiled and kissed him. "I would love to marry you." I said. He slipped the skull ring he was wearing on his finger on to mine. I kissed him again. One of my doctors came in and I was upset. I don't want to leave Chris now. He wrapped his arms around my waist. "Miss, you are able to go home." He said. My eyes lit up like the fourth of July. Chris and I headed out to his car after I got my things. I saw the green grass and ran into it. I spread out on the ground and took in all the smells. I saw flowers and sniffed them. Chris smiled and helped me up. We got in his car and drove home. I ran inside and saw all the guys. I attacked Ricky with hug. He was my best friend in the whole world before I got sent away. He also kept a secret for me well his mom did. "Can we go to your mom's?" I asked. He nodded. "Chris, there is someone you have to meet." I said. He looked at me concerned. I couldn't even say anything to make him feel better. See when I was sent into the hospital they found out I was two weeks pregnant. I gave birth to a healthy baby boy who I named Christopher Thomas Cerulli Jr. He is about two months old now. We drove over to Ricky's mom's house and I ran right inside. Chris followed me in and found me cuddling our baby boy. "Chris, this is your son. You got me pregnant before they sent me away. His name is Christopher Thomas Cerulli Jr." I said. Chris smiled at the little baby and held out his arms. I placed Little Chris in his arms. Chris started tearing up and kissed his head. "I really wanted to tell you but I didn't know how you would react. I love you and I love him." I said. "I love both of you too." Chris said all distracted by his son. I smiled and Ricky hugged me tightly. "We should go introduce him to the guys." Chris said. I nodded. "Thank you Mrs. Olson." I said hugging her. We headed back to Chris and Ricky's house and the guys crowded around the car. "Ricky, did you tell them?" I asked. He nodded. I even saw Angelo. I smiled and got out of the car with Christopher. He was passed around the guys. "So Chris, remember how I've been sleeping at Jess's and on these past few months." Ricky said. Chris nodded. Ricky led Chris and me to his room. He opened his door and showed us a nursery. "My gift to my godson." He said. I smiled and hugged him tightly. "Thank you so much." I said. "You're welcome." He said. Christopher fell asleep in Chris's arms. Chris put him down for a nap and we joined all the men downstairs and I got to meet all their girls. I curled up in Chris's arms and fell asleep feeling safe and loved for the first time in a long time.

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