Coffee Shop Love (Gerard Way)

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Daniel’s POV

 I exit the house only to be greeted by a drizzly Monday, the type of day that was as bland as the color white. Nothing exciting could possibly happen on a drizzly Monday. Coffee in hand, I head towards my favorite comic book shop, each step fuelled by my black Chuck Taylors that bounced each time my foot came in contact with the wet sidewalk. Once inside the comic book shop, after greeting the shop owner and fellow friend, Sam with a polite hello. I decided to browse the various shelves that hang on the wallpaper-clad wall. Doom Patrol is what I’m after, issue eighteen. After about five minutes of browsing I find the issue I’m after, the pages enveloped tightly in a thin looking plastic wrapping. As I turn my back to the shelves I find that I’m dismantled from my sturdy stance, hot black coffee spilling everywhere. “You maybe wanna watch where you’re going next time buddy?!” I shout after the person who knocked me over, he stops and turns, casting his eyes in my direction, an apologizing smile tugging at his lips. Red hair leaks from his scalp, messy and tinged with grease, black jeans hugging his legs like an old friend. I would probably find him pretty attractive, that is, if my eyes weren’t clouded over with pure anger. “I’m really sorry.” He says gently, his hazel colored eyes chase the coffee dampened floor, a frown creasing his brow, “Fuck; didn’t realize it was this bad, here let me buy that for you, as an apology.” I look at the comic book that sits in my palm and then back at him. “Collectors’ edition, its expensive you know.” I inform him. “I’m aware.” He replies, “Doom Patrol, used to be the comic book of my childhood.” My sight alternates between him and the comic book that is sitting placidly in my fingertips. “Fine then.” I hand it to him, walking up to the counter with him by my side, “Sam there was a bit of a… coffee spillage in the back aisle, might wanna sort it out?” I said as we reached the counter. “Yeah, maybe, might as well serve you first though… Doom Patrol eh? Issue eighteen is the best, that will be $25 please.” He states, taking the comic book out of the strangers hands, who is now pushing his fingers deep inside his pocket, fishing out an old leather wallet. Once the comic book is paid for we walk out into the rain soaked streets of New Jersey, the sky has a grey tint about it and the air smells fresh, as if the rain was cleansing it of all the poisonous toxins Summit released. “My name is Gerard by the way.” He informs me, cradling a cigarette between his fingers, “And I was wondering if you maybe wanted to go grab a coffee with me?” He asked. “Later on?” I questioned him. He shakes his head. “No,” He pauses, putting the cigarette between his lips and lighting it up, taking an excruciatingly slow drag from the thing, “Right now.” He says. “Sure.” I say, “For future reference, my name is Daniel, nice to meet you Gerard.” I told him as we walked down the sidewalk. We reached the coffee shop and headed inside. It was nice and warm compared to the cold gloomy day outside. I ordered the same coffee that I got this morning and Gerard paid. We sat down in the back by a window. “I am terribly sorry for earlier. I was busy on my phone and I wasn’t paying attention.” He said. “It’s fine, I really should learn to control my temper better.” I said. He smiled and his smile looked absolutely amazing. He noticed me staring so I looked down blushing. “Why are you blushing?” he asked. “No reason.” I said. “Well I think you look pretty cute when you blush.” He said. This caused me to blush more. He looked down at his watch. “Well I must get going. I have a very big meeting to attend. I would like to see you again.” He said handing me his number. I smiled and watched as he walked away. I didn’t see him for months. We talked over the phone but he never told me where he went. I climbed out of bed and got dressed heading to the comic book store. I browsed the shelves for something I had not read yet and I saw Gerard’s name on one of the covers. In fact it was on multiple covers. I grabbed them all and paid for them. I began walking out the door and ran right into someone. All my things fell to the floor. “I’m so sorry, I was not looking where I was going.” I said squatting down to pick up my comics. The stranger squats down after putting down a small child and helps me. “Don’t worry, it was my fault. We weren’t looking where we were going.” The voice said. I knew that voice all to well. I looked up to see Gerard smiling and this time with black hair. “Where the hell have you been? I thought we had something but no you disappear for months.” I said hurt. He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. “I didn’t want you to know about my life but judging by the comics I guess you can figure it out now.” He said. I then realized he is the Gerard Way. The lead singer from My Chemical Romance well was since they broke up. I looked down ashamed. “I am so sorry for flipping out on you.” I said. “It’s okay.” He said holding my hand. “Daddy, who is this?” a little girl asked. “Well Bandit, this is Daniel. He is very special to daddy. Would you mind if Daniel joined us for lunch and the movies?” Gerard asked her. “No, the more people the more fun.” She said. She reached for my hand and pulled me to their car. I laughed and got in the front seat with Gerard. He held my hand as he drove to get lunch. “Daniel, I do really like you. I was wondering if maybe you would consider being my boyfriend.” Gerard said. I was shocked. “I would love to.” I said. Gerard squeezed my hand and kissed it. Bandit smiled at me through the mirror and I smiled back. “I like you. You make my daddy happy so that makes me happy.” She said. I looked at Gerard and kissed his cheek. “We all make each other happy.” I said.

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