Afraid of the Dark (Chris Motionless)

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Bliss's POV

I sat in my room watching Netflix missing my boyfriend terribly. He has been busy in the recording studio with his band making their new album. I paused Halloween and climbed out of bed to get more popcorn. Before I could make it out of my room the power shut off. I screamed in fear. I made my way back to my bed and hid under the covers. I can't call Chris because of how late it is and he needs his sleep. I felt something jump on my bed and I screamed. I heard a meow. It is just Abigail, my kitty. I started crying and my phone started ringing. "Bliss, baby girl. Do you have power?" Chris's voice said through my phone. He must've lost power too. "No." I whimpered. "I am on my way over now baby." He said hanging up. I have a huge fear of the dark and it paralyzes me with fear. I hear noises downstairs and start sobbing. I hear the front door open and shut. I get out of bed and hid in the corner of my room wrapped in a blanket. I hear footsteps on my stairs. I am in hysterics by now. "Bliss, where are you?" Chris's voice says. I see a candle in the doorway. "Chris." I whimper. "Oh my god baby." He said. He put the candle down and ran over to me. He picked me up in his arms and kissed my head. "I am right here. I will protect you." He said. I cried into his shirt. He set me down in my bed and lit the candles that surround my room. "Why didn't you call me when the power first went out?" he asked. "You are busy with the new album and I know you need your sleep." I said. "Babe, that doesn't matter. I will always be here to protect you." He said kissing me. I cuddled my face into his chest. "You know it is kind of funny that you are scared of the dark and you are dating the darkest and creepiest guy in the world." He said. "I am dating slender man." I said. He chuckled and kissed me. "Go to sleep baby. I am right here." He said. I nodded and wrapped my arms around him. He wrapped his around me and kissed my head. I woke the next morning and found Chris still with me. "Babe, you will be late." I said waking him up. "I don't have to go." He yawned. I realized we left the candles on all night. I am lucky my house didn't burn down. "Why?" I asked. "The power is still out so no point of going in when we can't record." He said. I nodded and rested my head on his chest. "So what do we do today?" I asked. "Oh I have ideas." He said wiggling his eyebrows that were smeared everywhere. I died laughing. He smirked and kissed me. "Sketch my new tattoo?" he asked. "That is what you want to do." I said. He nodded. I groaned. "Please baby." He said. I smirked and kissed him. "What do you want?" I asked. "You as a pinup." He said. My jaw dropped. "You want me on your body forever?" I asked. "Well I want to be with you forever." He said nervous. "Christopher." I said breathlessly. "Look it is fine if you don't want to be with me forever but I needed to tell you. I love you to pieces Bliss. I find it so adorable that you are scared of the dark and it makes me want to be in the dark with you because you like to be so close to my body where there is no space between us. You are my everything. I want you to be Mrs. Cerulli." He said. "Chris, can I just be Mrs. Motionless?" I asked. He laughed and kissed me. "You can be whatever you want as long as you are married to me." He said. I smiled and kissed him back. "Deal." I said.

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