A Dream Come True (Andy Biersack)

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Aubrey's POV

I was walking alongside the rode. My mom had forgotten to pick me up again. I sighed as I saw the dark, ominous clouds approaching overhead. It was going to rain. Minutes later I was standing on the edge of the busy street drenched by the downpour of water coming from the sky. Every time a car would come by I would get soaked in mud and water from the road. I began to cry. I still had at least two more hours of walking to do before I reached home. I was sitting on the curb for several minutes when a van pulled up next to me. I immediately feared that whoever was in the van could be dangerous so I stood up, ready to run. The side door slid open to reveal Black Veil Brides. I stood in the rain, jaw dropped, covered in mud and gross water. "Are you gonna get in? Or are you just gonna stand there?" asked Ashley. I hopped in the van without a word. "So I take it you're a fan?" laughed Jake. "Uh, yeah." I said, still in shock. "What's your name?" a voice asked. I turned around to see Andy looking at me with curious eyes. I have the biggest crush on him. "O-oh. Hi Andy m-my name's Aubrey." I said nervously. After a long car ride full of the guys asking me questions, we pulled into my driveway. "Here we are!" said CC. He had driven me all the way home. I just realized that somehow I ended up with Andy's arms around me, warming me which is an amazing feeling. "Thank you so much guys, this meant the world to me." I said. I really didn't want to get out of the van. But I slowly made my way out of my seat, onto the driveway. "Bye guys." I said, looking down sadly at my feet. They all said good- bye. I turned around and started walking toward my house when I heard someone call my name. "Wait!" yelled Andy. I spun around quickly to find Andy holding something out to me with a sheepish expression on his face. "I want you to have this. I don't want you to get cold." It was his sweatshirt. I took it hesitantly. "Really? Thank you Andy." I said. I couldn't believe he'd given me his sweatshirt. "Anytime" he replied, a large grin spreading across his face. He quickly leaned in giving me a quick kiss on the cheek. I could hear wolf whistles coming from the van in response. My face turned bright red. "B-bye Andy. Thanks for everything." I went inside and they left. I was so sad that they were gone. Andy had kissed me though on the cheek of course, but still. The whole scenario replayed in my mind again and again while I took a shower, scrubbing all the mud out of my hair. I got out and put on my pajamas, slipping Andy's sweatshirt on over my head. It smelled like smoke and cologne. I was never going to take this thing off. I reached down into the pocket, surprised to find a small scrap of paper. I unfolded it and read it: "513-555-4468 call me sometime, ok?" I gasped. He gave me his phone number. I smiled and danced around my room for a minute thinking about my upcoming conversation with Andy Biersack. I sat on my bed and calmed down. I dialed his number and waited for him to pick up. "Hello?" he said. "Hey Andy, It's Aubrey." I said. "Oh, hey what's up?" he asked. "I just wanted to call and say thank you again for giving me your sweatshirt." I said. "Not a problem doll." He said. "So what are you and the boys up to?" I asked. "I'm not with the boys. I'm outside a pretty girl's window in hopes she will let me in." he said. I got up and went over to my window. Sure enough there was Mr. Andrew Biersack sitting on my roof. I hung up my phone. "Hi." I said. "Hey, can I come in? I don't want to fall off our roof." He said. I nodded and helped him inside. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "I just had to see you again before we left tomorrow." He said. I blushed. He cupped my face with his hands and kissed me. I fell back onto my bed with him and we just laid there making out. Soon he pulled me into his arms and we cuddled. I woke up the next morning to see him snoring softly. I took in his scent of smoke and cologne. "Morning beautiful." He said. "Morning." I said a little sad. "Why do you sound so sad?" he asked. "You are leaving today." I said. "I don't have to leave you and you don't have to leave me. Come on tour with me and be my girlfriend." He said. I was shocked about what he said. I didn't know what to say so I just kissed him. I ran around packing my things. I changed into shorts and a tank top. I slipped Andy's sweatshirt back on and we waited for the guys to come get us. I can't believe I get to tour with Black Veil Brides and Andy Biersack is now my boyfriend. I must be dreaming. I pinched myself and I wasn't. This is a dream come true.

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