Met at Warped Tour

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Desi's POV

I wandered around the Warped Tour grounds bored because I have already seen all the bands I wanted to see. My brother won't be back to pick me up until later. I groaned and went to sit down by the Journey's stage. I wish New Year's Day were playing again. I drank my water and looked through the pictures I took from today. I felt someone trip over me and I watched him or her fall. "Holy shit! Are you all right? I am so sorry." I said helping the person up. "I am fine. Sorry I tripped over you. Did you get hurt?" the boy asked as he dusted himself off. "No, I am fine." I said. He looked up and smiled at me. "Hi, I am Nick." He said. "Desi." I said smiling at him. "Would you like to get some food?" He asked. "Sure, that sounds nice." I said. I can't believe I am going to get something to eat with Nick Rossi. "Did you get to see all the bands you wanted to today?" He asked as we walked up to the food truck. "Yes, it was an amazing day." I said. We got our food and went to go sit in a nearby field. "You know you are one of my favorite drummers." I said quietly. "Thank you." He said. We sat in the field talking for what seemed like hours. "Hey, um how would you like to go out on a date when I get back from tour?" he asked. "I would love nothing more." I said. He walked me out to the front gates since my brother was here. "See you when I get back." He said kissing my forehead. I smiled and nodded. Nick and I texted every night until we both fell asleep. I can't wait for him to come home today. I finished getting ready for our date and I heard a knock at the door. I smiled and ran downstairs. I opened the door to find Nick. He smiled and hugged me tightly. "It is so good to see you." He said. I smiled and hugged him back. "I figured we could go see a movie." He said. "I would like that." I said. He smiled and led me out to his car. We talked about how the rest of tour was for him. "It was a blast. One of the best summers I have ever had." He said. I smiled and he held my hand. We walked up to the box office and got two tickets to the new Avengers movie. We sat down and I felt something get thrown at me. I looked over at Nick and he was quietly eating popcorn. I looked at him and saw him smirking. I threw popcorn back at him. He laughed and began to tickle me. I am so happy we are the only ones here right now. I grabbed his wrists and stopped him from tickling me. I looked up into his eyes and he was already looking at me. I leaned up and kissed him. He got one of his hands free and put it on the back of my head pulling me to him as he kissed me back. We broke apart and rested our foreheads together. "Wow." I said. He smiled. "I have been waiting to do that since Warped Tour." He said. I smiled and kissed him again. We broke apart and cuddled together in the big, plush, leather chair and enjoyed our movie. I think this is a beautiful start to a wonderful relationship.

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