Your Light in the Darkness (Denis Stoff)

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Jaime's POV

I have been living in the Ukraine for about six years now. My second year here I met Denis. I love him and he is my everything. I love how every day he reminds me how much he loves me but sadly I have to go back home to the U.S. My time here is over now. I came here for school and I just graduated. "Babe, I have some really bad news." Denis said. "What?" I asked holding his hand. "I am going to the US to be in a new band." He said. "That's great. My schooling is up so I have to go back home. We can still be together." I said kissing him. He didn't kiss back. "We will be on different sides of the country. I don't know if I could deal with that." He said. "What are you saying then?" I asked him letting go of his hand. "Maybe a break for now. I love you so much Jaime and it pains me to do this but maybe it is what is best for us." He said. My heart shattered. "My flight is leaving soon. Please take me to the airport." I said. "Please, Jaime, say something." He said. "You broke my heart." I said. I grabbed my suitcases and carried them out to the car leaving without him. I already shipped most of my stuff to my brother's place since I will be living with him until I get back on my feet. Denis kept calling my phone the whole way to the airport. Once I got there, I put the car in the garage and checked my bags. I headed to the bathroom and broke down crying. How can he just leave me like that after four years? I screamed and punched the mirror. I watched the glass fall around me. I picked up a piece and looked at my scarred wrist. I have been clean for six years. I took the glass to my wrist and added five cuts. I sobbed and wrapped up my wrist with gauze from a first aid kit. I got to my gate and boarded my plane. I looked out the window and saw Denis at the window in the airport searching frantically. His eyes locked with mine. He looked heartbroken just like me. He held up a sign saying don't leave. I blew him a kiss and the plane backed out of the terminal. "Goodbye Denis." I whispered. I slept most of the way back and I climbed off the plane. "JAIME!" I heard yelled. I saw James and Ben standing there smiling. I ran over and hugged them tightly. "I missed my little sister." Ben said. "I missed you so much you have no idea." I said. "So where's the boyfriend?" James asked. "We broke up. He thought it was best that if we were on different sides of the country it was better to save the heartache for now than later." I said. James hugged me tightly and kissed my head. "He fucked up big time." He said. I smiled. "So how is that new song coming?" I asked. "Well our new singer is writing it with me so we will let you know when we start." Ben said. I nodded and we headed home. I attacked Sam with hugs and ran straight for the dogs. "I swear I will only be with you until I get back on my feet." I said. "You can stay longer more like forever." Sam said. I giggled and hugged her. "Cam and Sam went to pick up the singer so go get some beauty rest." Ben said. I nodded. "James, I need my cuddle buddy." I whined. He chuckled and followed me up to the guest room. "Seriously, if you weren't Brandi's I would be stealing you." I said. He smiled. I missed you." He whispered. "So did I." I said yawning and falling asleep. Over the past few weeks my depression got worse. I still haven't met the lead singer although Ben said he saw me walking about the house and said he is concerned for me. The guy doesn't even know me or what hell I am going through so he has no right to be concerned. I headed downstairs to get a drink. "Do you think I am stupid?" Ben asked me. "What?" I asked. "I know what is going on with you and I don't like it. You need to stop." He said. "I don't know what you are talking about." I said trying not to cry. He walked over to me and pushed up my sleeves. "This needs to stop now. I don't want to lose you or worse be back in the ICU on the brink of loosing you. This guy isn't worth it." Ben screamed. "I loved him Ben. I saw my whole future with him. I wanted to fucking marry him." I screamed as I sobbed. "Hey, Ben, sorry to interrupt but could I have a beer?" a voice asked. I knew that voice. "Jaime." Denis said dumbfounded. "You know each other?" Ben asked. I nodded. "Jaime, if I had known that was how you felt then I would've done anything for you. I wouldn't have joined the band. I just want to be with you." Denis said. "No, it is too late. You broke my heart." I sobbed. I ran back up to my room as I heard Denis explain everything to Ben and then I heard Ben punching him. My depression and self-harm has gotten worse with Denis being here. The guys are releasing a new song today. "Listen to it please." James whined. "Only for you." I said sniffling resting my head on his shoulder. He played the song and I started crying. I took the iPod from him and looked at the name of the song. It was called I Won't Give In. The cover art said for Jaime, I'll be your light in the darkness-Denis. I started crying again. "Where is he?" I asked. "Probably down by the lake crying." James said. I got up and ran outside. Sure enough there was Denis. I ran over to him hugging him tightly making us topple over into the water. We came up coughing for air. "Jaime." Denis said breathlessly. I kissed him forcefully and he placed his hand on my cheek kissing me back. "I love you." I said. "Marry me?" he asked. I nodded and kissed him again. "So when are you two moving out so I don't have to hear my friend and little sister getting it on?" Ben yelled to us. I giggled and hid my blushing embarrassed face in Denis's chest. "Soon." Denis responded. We moved out of Ben and Sam's and got a house down the road. We got matching tattoos over our hearts that says I'll be your light in the darkness. We got married within a year. Here I am now on tour with my husband, brother and best friend while they open for Bullet for My Valentine. "Good luck." I said kissing Denis. "Thanks baby. Now would you please relax." He said. "When I am cuddled up in your arms then I will." I said. He chuckled and kissed my stomach lightly. "You be good for mommy while daddy goes and plays." He said. "She should behave now." Denis said. I chuckled. "She is already a daddy's girl before she gets here." I said. "You know it babe." He said kissing me as he ran out to perform. Denis got me pregnant on our honeymoon and I am due in three months. Our little Celeste is already the light of our life and we can't wait until she gets here. Denis and her are the light of my life.

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