Never Should've Left (Ashley Purdy)

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Reveille's POV

"Baby, I love you." Ashley said, as we got ready to line up for graduation. "I love you too. Forever and always." I said. He kissed me. "Look at the cute high school sweethearts." Andy said. I blushed and buried my face into Ashley's chest. We got lined up and headed into the gym. They started the ceremony and they finally got to our names. "Reveille Colleen." They called. My family and the boys cheered. I sat back down and looked at the stage. "Ashley Purdy." They called. I cheered. The ceremony finished and we all met out front. "Guys, we did it." Andy cheered. I smiled and hugged them both. Ashley and I headed back to my house to celebrate. I woke up the next morning and found him missing. I quickly got dressed and ran to his house. I found him packing up his car. "Where are you going?" I said upset. "I am going to LA. Andy and I are starting a band. I am sorry Reveille. I love you but I need to live out my dream. I wish you all the best." He said. "So this is it. You are throwing away our four years together." I said. "I am sorry." He said. He climbed into his car speeding off. I collapsed to the ground sobbing. I haven't left my room for months. I still love Ashley and I know he still loves me. I finally had to leave my room due to the fact that I have been feeling ill. "Come on back Miss. Colleen." The nurse said. I followed her back to the room. "So what seems to be the problem?" she asked. "I have been getting sick a lot lately. I have been throwing up a lot." I said. "When was the last time you got your period?" she asked. My jaw dropped. I haven't gotten it since before graduation. "I take it that it has been awhile." She said. I nodded with tears in my eyes. "I will need you to pee in this cup." She said. I nodded and headed to the bathroom. I peed in the cup and gave it to her. She sent me back to the waiting room. After a few minutes she called me back. "It seems you are pregnant. I want you to lay back and lift up your shirt." She said. I did as I was told. She squirted cold gel on my stomach and ran an ultrasound machine over my tummy. "There it is. You seem to be about four months along. Would you like to know what you are having?" she asked. I shook my head no. She gave me the pictures. I want to tell Ashley but I think it is better he does not find out. It is finally time. I cried wanting Ashley but he doesn't know at all. "It's a girl." The doctor said handing her to me. I looked down at her and she looked so much like Ashley. "Her name?" the nurse asked. "Elena Esperanza Purdy." I said. I signed mine name and Ashley's on the birth certificate. Years later Elena is looking like Ashley more and more every day. We are on a vacation in LA. We went to Disney yesterday and now we are sightseeing. I looked up and saw Ashley's face on a banner with Andy's. They are playing a show tonight. I haven't seen him in seven years. I looked down at my little seven years old. She deserves to see him. I went up the box office. "Two tickets to Black Veil Brides." I said. "VIP or general?" she asked. "VIP." I said. I handed her the money and she gave me the tickets. We headed back to our hotel to get ready. I did not want to look bad when I see Ashley. We headed to the venue and it seemed we were the only ones who bought VIP. I held Elena on my hip kissing her head. "I love you baby girl." I said. "I love you too momma." She said with her cute little southern accent. We headed onto the bus and Andy squealed. He hugged me tightly. Ashley turned around and his jaw dropped. "Leave now." He said. "Ashley, please." I said. "LEAVE NOW REVEILLE!" he screamed. Elena hid her face in my chest. I felt her tears on my chest. I felt tears well up in my eyes. I began to leave. "Why are we leaving mommy?" Elena asked. Everyone looked at us. Ashley came over to me. "Did she just call you mommy?" he asked. "Yes, I hade her seven years ago. You are her father." I said. I ran off the bus with Elena leaving Ashley behind. I have never seen him that angry in my life. I don't want him being a part of Elena's life with that temper. Three years have passed since them. Elena screams at me asking to see her father. She remembers when I called Ashley her father. I sat on my couch crying. I heard a knock at the door. I opened the door and there stood Ashley dressed in a suit. "Reveille, I am so sorry for everything. I never should've treated you the way I did when I left. I was so in love with you. I was scared that I would lose you if I left without breaking up with you. I love you Reveille. When I saw you three years ago it scared me that I could just let you back into my life right then and there. Please take me back. I want to be a part of yours and Elena's life. Please." He said. I sat there still crying and debating. "DADDY!" Elena screamed running over to him and hugging him. He lifted her up and kissed her cheek. "I guess you can be a part of our lives." I said. He smiled and squeezed Elena. "Why don't you go play so mommy and I could talk." Ashley said setting down Elena. She nodded and ran off. We sat on the couch talking for hours. He pulled me into my arms and kissed me passionately. "Please be my girlfriend again?" he asked. "I would love to be." I said kissing him. Elena joined us cuddling on the couch watching a movie. It was finally late. "Daddy, will you put me to bed?" Elena said tiredly. "Sure sweetheart." He said. She led him upstairs to her room. I headed up and went to my room pulling on PJs. I walked to Elena's room and found Elena asleep in bed and Ashley sneaking out quietly. I threw a pair of his old sweatpants at him. "You still have these?" he asked. I nodded. We headed to my room. He changed and I hung up his suit. "You really want me to stay?" he asked. "I haven't gotten a decent night's sleep without you next to me." I said. He smiled and kissed me. We climbed into bed and he held me close kissing my head. We felt someone climb into bed with us. It was Elena. She snuggled in-between us. I looked at Ashley and he was staring down at Elena with loving eyes. I smiled and kissed him. "I never should've left." He said.

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