Everyday (CC)

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Beth's POV

It was around 2 in the morning. My boyfriend, CC, said he would be home tonight. His tour was meant to be finishing tonight and he would be flying home in the early hours of the morning. Usually I'd be able to fall asleep really quickly but something is keeping me awake tonight and I didn't know what it was. In an attempt to make myself tired, I opened Tumblr on my phone and scrolled through my dash, reblogging a few things here and there before closing the app and staring at the screen, still not being tired enough to fall asleep without thinking twice about it. I opened Twitter this time and scrolled through tweets, mainly from CC's fans that I followed. My eyes began to droop; finally, I was getting tired. Just as I went to close Twitter and turn my phone off for the night, I saw something. Due to my eyes being tired, they were slightly fuzzy. I rubbed my eyes and then stared at my screen, now looking at it with a clear view. It was CC kissing another girl, his ex girlfriend Lauren. At first I thought that it might have been an old photo but I noticed the tattoo that was on his wrist, the one that he'd gotten with me only weeks before going on this tour. The photo was new. At first I didn't really know what to do. CC has been my boyfriend for about two years now and nothing had gone wrong in our relationship. The two of us have been faithful to each other since day one. By now my phone was blowing up with notifications from Twitter. Obviously fans of CC's had seen the photo. Before I knew it, I was sitting in my room with my knees hugged to my chest. Tears began running down my face and I didn't know how to make them stop. It's just a photo, right? Why was it affecting me so much? CC would be home soon, and then I could ask him about it. I got up from the bed and walked into my bathroom to dry my face. Incidentally, I took my phone with me. I pretty much took it everywhere with me without even realizing it. As I put it down on the bathroom counter so I'd be able to clean my face, it went off again. I checked to see if it was just another one of CC's fans tweeting me but it was a notification to say that he'd made a new tweet. Being rather worried, I typed in my passcode and waited for the app to load. Within moments my whole world came crumbling down. I didn't know how to make it stop either, things just kept getting worse. This tweet was a photo of Lauren straddling CC's lap. Obviously they were in a bar and they didn't care if anyone saw. I threw my phone, not caring where it landed, and began crying harder than I was before. I'd never experienced anything like this before, but it felt like hell. There wasn't much else that I could do, so I just kept crying. Then I thought about it for a second. There was something that I could do. I'd promised CC that I'd never self-harm again. He'd promised me that he'd never cheat on me so right now I didn't really care about promises. I searched my bathroom, with tears still running down my face, until I found a razor. Once I'd found one I sat down and began to pick it apart. I'd cut my fingers a few times in the process but eventually I managed to pick the razor apart so that I now held a blade between my fingertips. I watched as the light reflected off of it. I still had time to think this through, I didn't have to do this but something inside me was making me want to do it. Tears were still running down my cheeks, they hadn't stopped at all. I tried to tell myself that I didn't care about what was going on but it wasn't working. I tried to stop thinking about what was going on but that didn't work for me either. There was a sound at the front of my house. It was probably around 3AM now; it must have been someone's dog or something. I didn't care right now. Whilst everyone in my neighborhood was sleeping, I was sitting in my bathroom silently picking apart every flaw that I have. He cheated on me because my eyes weren't the right color. I wasn't too good at math. The clothes that I wore made me look fat. I didn't like the right kind of music. My head managed to run through every possible reason as to why he cheated on me. Of course I knew that none of these were the answer, CC was just drunk. I took one last look at the blade in my hand and then pressed it to the pale flesh of my inner wrist. I dragged the blade along my skin, creating a short and shallow cut, harmless. I continued doing this until I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. I didn't know what to do other than to drop the blade and try to push the arms away from me. "G-Go a-away." I said through tears. "Shh, Beth, it'll all be okay." The person's voice was deep and familiar. "A-Andy, what are you d-doing here?" I asked. "CC said that he was going to stay another night in Vegas, where our last show was, with Ashley and I had planned to go home but when I got off the plane I saw that he tweeted so I came right over here." Andy explained. "Now, tell me what's happened to your arms." Andy asked softly. I did nothing other than turn my arms over to reveal the cut skin. Andy shook his head and stood up. At first I thought that he was going to walk away but I saw that he was looking through the bathroom cupboards. When he found what he was looking for he lifted me up and sat me down on the counter. "This is going to hurt a little, I'm sorry..."Andy trailed off. He began carefully cleaning the cuts, making sure that he was being gentle and not making them bleed any more than they already were. Once Andy was done, he wrapped his arms carefully around my body and hugged me softly. I rested my head on his chest. I'd never really been that close to Andy, or anyone else in the band apart from CC for that matter, but this was strangely comforting. "I'll always be there Beth. I'm only a phone call away." Andy said softly as he watched me look over at my wrist. He'd done a good job at cleaning it. "I-I know, I just didn't think..." I sighed. "It's getting late, how about I put a movie on and you can go to sleep on the couch?" Andy suggested. I nodded my head and then began walking into the living room with Andy. "Hey, Andy?" "Yeah?" He replied as the DVD's menu flickered onto the screen. "Thank you, for everything." I said quietly. Andy sat down next to me and I rested my head against his chest. "Anytime." Andy smiled as he trailed circles over my hip. I smiled back and closed my eyes, hoping to get some sleep this time. I woke up to screaming. "Andy, let me fucking see her. I need to explain to her. I love her, Andy. You know that. You know that I was going to purpose to her when we got back." I heard CC yell. He was going to purpose but then why would he cheat. I climbed up off the couch and walked to my door. "Beth." CC said as his voice cracked. His eyes were all puffy and red. His cheeks were tear stained. He was wearing a sweatshirt. "CC, no, you didn't." I said grabbing his hand to pull up the sleeve. He looked away not wanting to see the disappointment in my eyes. I pulled his wrist up to my lips and kissed the fresh cuts. "Come in and explain please." I said. He nodded. "I will text you later." Andy said leaving. I nodded and went to the couch with CC. "So Ash and I just wanted to have a fun time together before in his words me getting tied down. I agreed thinking nothing bad would happen. I had a couple drinks in me and then the bartender came over handing me another drink. I told him no saying I had no more money. He said the lady at the end of the bar paid for it. I couldn't see her face. So I nodded a thank you and drank it. I began feeling woozy and I felt lips on mine. I thought I had made it home and you were welcoming me home that's how gone I was. I then blacked out and woke up on a plane with Ashley freaking out on the phone with Andy. I ignored it and looked at Twitter. My heart dropped. I ran to the bathroom on the plane and threw up everything in me. I broke something and cut my wrists. Lauren posted the pictures. Ashley found out she spiked the drink. I never want to loose you Beth. I love you more than anything in the world. I love you more than the band and the fans. So it's not gonna be easy. It's going to be really hard; we're gonna have to work at this everyday, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever, everyday. You and me... everyday. I love you. I am who I am because of you. You are every reason, every hope, and every dream I've ever had, and no matter what happens to us in the future, everyday we are together is the greatest day of my life. I will always be yours. SO please forgive me and do me the honor of marrying me?" He said. I was shocked. I did believe him though. I love him. I nodded and he pulled a ring out of his pocket. He smiled and slipped it on my finger. I placed my hands on both his cheeks and kissed him. He kissed back. "I love how you quoted our movie." I said. "Well I know how much you love The Notebook." He said. I smiled and rested my head on his chest as he held me.

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