Disappear (Tyler Carter)

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Meredith’s POV

I stare up at the ceiling of my dark bedroom. I spent the past three hours rolling around in bed trying to fall asleep knowing it was going to be impossible. I always roll over in the morning when I wake up seeing the empty side of my bed. I disappeared into the dead of night all those years ago. Away from my friends and family but I wasn't going to let him win. After Cory placed his hand on me and hurt me, I ran. I ran far away and didn't even tell my new friends where I was going. I looked over at my nightstand and saw the picture of me and the guys shine in the night-light. I broke down crying. All I want is my best friend and my big brother to wrap their arms around me and tell me it will be all right. Michael texted my phone multiple times a day. He is in a new band now with our best friend. When I disappeared, he went straight to Twitter, Instagram and Facebook asking all the Woe, is Me fans to find me and now the fans for his new band, ISSUES, are looking for me too. I stay in my apartment now mostly with Lily, my cute chocolate lab. She is five now and a big girl. I climbed out of bed and went into the bathroom. I downed half a bottle of cough syrup and climbed back in bed. Lily nestled herself in my arms and I fell asleep. I climbed out of bed in the morning and went to do my monthly food shopping. I grabbed everything I needed until I bumped into someone. "Holy shit, it's you. Meredith Bohn. I need to tell Michael you are still here in Atlanta." The boy said. I began to cry and ran from the store. I drove home and began packing up my things. I knew I should've left Georgia. I looked at apartments in New York and I bought one right by Central Park. I shipped all my things and got next flight out of Georgia. I held Lily as the plane took off. I cried as I was leaving my home state. We landed in New York and I put on my sweatshirt since it is the middle of fall. I hailed a taxi to my new apartment and let Lily go explore it as I plopped down on the couch. I pulled out my phone to see a voicemail. It was from Michael. I put it on speaker. "Hey Meredith, please come home. I know you are still here. A kid told me he saw you. Please we all miss you." He pleaded. I heard his voice crack as he began to cry. I threw my phone down and screamed I began unpacking my things and set up my apartment. Within the week I put in extensions and dyed my hair a dark purple. No one has noticed me and I'm truly enjoying it. I began forgetting about my worries at home and Cory's death threats. It is winter now and it's snowing outside. I pulled on my beanie and white pea coat. I attached Lily's leash to her and headed to the park. We played catch and I looked through my Twitter seeing Issues would be here in two days for a show. I'm debating on going and hiding in the back. I looked up to the sky and let the snowfall on my face and stick to my hair and eyelashes. Lily chased the snowflakes around trying to catch them in her mouth. I took a picture and posted it to Instagram knowing the guys won't figure out where I am because of the snow. Tyler commented on the picture saying how much he missed his drunken cuddles with Lily. It made me laugh but then upset. I texted Tyler saying I'm closer than you think. He immediately texted back asking me to come to a concert near where I am. I told him no and that I was safe. He texted me back saying he would find me eventually. The guys have off days right now so they are probably already in New York enjoying it. I sat out in the park with Lily a little longer and we headed to Starbucks. I posted my usual white girl selfie on Instagram and enjoyed my coffee. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I tensed up. "Miss, could I borrow a dollar please." I turned around to see an old man. I breathed out relaxing and nodded yes taking a dollar out of my wallet. I grabbed Lily and we began walking home. We stopped to watch them light up the Christmas tree for the first time. It looked amazing. "It looks so beautiful,” a voice said. I tensed up when I heard that voice. I started walking away quickly. I felt someone grab my wrist and turn me around. "Meredith." He said breathlessly. I looked up into those crystal blue orbs of eyes and broke down crying into his chest. "I told you I would find you." He said lifting up my chin and kissing me lightly. "I can't lose you ever again Meredith, I love you more than words can ever express." He said. "I did it to protect everyone." I said. "Well let me protect you now." He said. I nodded. He grabbed Lily's leash and held my hand. He led me back to the bus and I took a deep breath. I walk on with Lily and Tyler behind me. All the guys gasped in shock. I shed my coat and beanie. I heard Michael's sobs and followed them. "You know you always get a headache when you cry." I said. His head snapped up and he looked at me. All I saw was happiness. He ran over and tackled me to the ground. I latched myself onto him and we cried together. We finally stopped and laid there in silence until I spoke up. "I want to come home." I said. He smiled and kissed my forehead. We got up and headed into the living area. "Guess who is coming home." Michael said. Tyler smiled and ran up to me kissing me. I smiled and rested my arms around him. It soon got late and Tyler carried me to my apartment and put me to bed. "Stay." I said. He climbed in next to me. I wrapped my arms around him and rested my head on his chest. For the first time in years I feel like I can sleep.

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