Broken Down (Danny Alvarez)

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Emileigh's POV

My friends and I have finally come to term that I am slowly dying and there is nothing we can do to stop it. I sat on the couch in my best friend and I's apartment watching some TV show. Since I am so sick it is hard for me to go out and do stuff. I sighed and curled up more in the blanket that I wrapped around myself. "Emileigh!" Ruby yelled as she entered the apartment. "In the living room!" I yelled back. She ran in and hugged me tightly. "I have a surprise for you." She said. "What?" I asked. "We are going to see Hollywood Undead. They are coming around and I want you to see them one last time." She said. "Really?" I asked. She nodded. I hugged her tightly. "Thank you." I said. "Anything for you." She said. The days passed until the concert and I was getting ready to go. "I swear to god if you do not accentuate those beautiful icy blue eyes, I will kill you." Ruby said. "Shut up. I am." I said trying not to stab myself with eyeliner. I finished my makeup and put in my septum ring. "I am ready." I said. Ruby smiled and we headed out to the car. We were jamming out to Hollywood Undead the whole way there and played my favorite song I'll Be There. We were almost there when the car just stopped going. "What happened?" I asked. "The car just stopped. It might be my battery. Let me look." Ruby said. She got out and I saw we weren't out of gas. I really don't want to miss this concert. Well we missed it and I was extremely upset. I was sitting in the car crying while Ruby messed with her car and called for a tow truck. I sat there sniffling trying to wipe the running mascara and eyeliner off my face. "Why's a beautiful girl like you crying?" I heard someone ask. "I missed my favorite band's show." I said. I looked up and saw Danny from Hollywood Undead. I was shocked. "Hey Johnny, figure out what's wrong with the car yet?" Danny asked him. "Dead battery and she ran out of oil and gas." He replied. "What are you guys doing here?" I asked. "We saw you guys broken down and figured we should help. So I take it you missed our show?" he asked. I nodded. "How about you guys come with us to the next stop?" he asked. "That would be amazing." I said. "Well let's go to your place and get your things." He said. I nodded. The guys towed our car back to our apartment and Ruby and I gathered our things. I couldn't believe that we got to meet the guys and now we are going with them to their next stop on tour. We all piled onto the bus and Ruby was going to share a bunk with Charlie while Danny was giving me the back bedroom. I appreciated it. I climbed into the bed. "It comfy enough for you?" he asked. "Yes, thank you." I said smiling. He sat down at the end of the bed and we got into a conversation about ourselves. I woke up the next morning and realized I was curled up in Danny's arms. "Morning." He yawned. I smiled. "Morning." I replied. "It's afternoon." Ruby said standing in the doorway eating a bowl of cereal. "I better go see when sound check is." Danny said. I nodded. Ruby came and sat next to me. "You tell him?" she asked. "No, I doubt we will ever see them again after tonight." I said. She shrugged her shoulders. I was wrong. We began really close friends with the guys. Over the course of a few months, I have become super close with Danny. It is kind of like were boyfriend and girlfriend but were not. I still haven't told him that I am dying. I have surgery today and I haven't told the guys. I sat in the hospital bed waiting to be taken to the operating room. The door opened and in walked Ruby. "Don't be mad." She said. I looked at her weird. Danny came into the room. "Are you alright?" he asked running over to hug me. "Danny, you shouldn't be here." I said. "Emileigh, I am here because I care about you. I love you. I begged Ruby to tell me where you were because I was worried when I couldn't find you at your apartment. Now with that said. The surgery will most likely go find and then you will come back in here and I can see those beautiful icy blue eyes." He said. I smiled and kissed his cheek. If he only knew. "Danny, I love you too. Don't forget that." I said kissing him softly.

Danny's POV

I sat with Ruby waiting for Emileigh to come out of surgery. "Did she ever tell you?" Ruby asked. "Tell me what?" I asked. "Danny, she is really ill." She said. "What do you mean?" I asked. Before I could get an answer her doctor came out. "I'm sorry miss. Your friend has passed away. We did every thing we could but she did not make it." The doctor told Ruby. "Thank you." Ruby said not even phased really. "What do you mean she didn't make it?" I asked. Ruby let the doctor know she could leave. "Danny, she has been so sick for so long. She knew that she was dying for months. This surgery was going to give her a little extra time but it didn't work. I am so sorry. Just remember the last thing she said to you." Ruby said. I sat down thinking about how Emileigh said she loved me. I wish she didn't have to go so soon.

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