No More Scars (Vic Fuentes)

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Ellie's POV

I'm sitting in class bored out of my mind counting down the hours till I get out of college for the semester so I can go see my friends. We are supposed to be starting our essay on folklore for the start of next semester but I'm sitting here being bored. The guys were off with my brother at the beach. How I wish I could be with them right now. I was joining them at one and it is ten now. Three more hours till I see my Mexicans and my brother. I tapped my pen annoyed with how slow the clock was going. All of a sudden three men bursted in with guns and covered black so you could only see their eyes. "Hand over Ellie Quinn and no one gets hurt." A guy said. I chuckled and got up. I put my stuff in my bag and put it on my shoulder. My professor went to call the cops. "Don't. It will only cause more problems. Don't worry." I said. He nodded and I put my hands up and walked towards them. We left the classroom and ran for the cars. I jumped in the trunk and changed into my bikini. "Thanks boys." I said hugging them. We got to the beach and I saw Kellin, Katelynne and Copeland. I ran over and hugged my brother. "Hi Kells." I said. "Hi Ells." He said. I said hi to Katelynne and went to hug my cute little niece. I saw Vic and I smiled. He waved and I blushed. "When are you gonna tell him you like him?" Mike said. I nudged him. "I don't know, you know what's going on with him and Jenna." I said. I saw Jenna run over and jump into Vic's arms. I sighed and headed towards the water. Vic and Jenna grew really close on the Collide With The Sky tour. Now Vic is always too busy with her to even see me. I dived into the water and floated out a little. I broke up with my boyfriend to be with Vic but then Jenna came along. I swam parallel to the beach and got away from everyone. I swam to shore and started to cry. More like bawl my eyes out. "I kissed the scars on her skin. I still think you're beautiful. And I don't ever want to lose my best friend." I sang to myself. Vic wrote that about me. He would always kiss my scars but now he doesn't even care that I started again. Kellin of course doesn't know. I reached into the pocket of my swim trunks and pulled out my blade. I made three small cuts where my bracelets were and I threw my blade into the grass in the dunes. I look at all the new scars and cuts I made and screamed. Vic will never want me. I am so ugly and pathetic. I saw Vic and Jenna walking this way and I ran back to the water. I swam back to the spot everyone was at. "Guys, I think I need to leave." I said scratching at my wrist. Mike frowned and everyone said bye. I slipped off my shorts and put them in my bag. I slipped on my Vans Off The Wall tank and began to walk home. "Ellie, wait!!!" I heard Vic yell. I started running and I hid. I looked back and he was heading back to the beach. I stopped and got a strawberry banana smoothie. I got back to my apartment and saw Vic sitting on the steps. I stopped and started walking backwards. "Stop Ellie. I see you." He said. I started to cry again. I ran right past him and into my apartment. "Ellie, why won't you talk to me and why are you avoiding me?" He asked. "You are the one avoiding me and ditching me." I screamed. I cut and started bleeding a lot. It went under the door and I heard Vic gasp. He picked the lock and picked me up. He sat me on the counter and held me wrist with a towel. "I'm not avoiding you Ellie. I've just been busy." He said. "By busy you mean fucking Jenna. I get it. You love her and your dating." I said. He looked up at me and pouted. "No I'm not Ell. I'm in love with someone else. She means the world to me." He said. "Well go tell her because I don't want you here." I said getting up and walking away. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me back. He then kissed me softly then passionately. "Well I'm not leaving." He said. "Vic, why did you." I started to say before he kissed me again. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked. "Vic, I would love too." I said kissing him. He kissed me back and sat down on the couch. He pulled me into his lap and took my arms. He kissed my scars and it sent shivers up my spine. "Never again." He said. " I won't need to as long as I have you." I said. He smiled and kissed my cheek. I nuzzled my face into his neck and fell asleep.

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