If You Were Mine (Jacky Vincent)

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Ana’s POV

 I sighed as I looked at the blank white wall in front of me again. I left it blank so I could think without my paintings or posters to distract me. I started humming along to Falling in Reverse’s Keep Holding On as I curled up into a ball. I started crying again. “Why can’t I get better?” I asked myself. I looked down at the old and new scars littering my body. I cried more. I am working on getting my life in control. I made huge steps the other day but then fell behind after having a bad day. I got up and headed to the rec room plus it is also the visitor area. I saw a group of mean talking to one of the younger girls who is able to leave soon. I sighed and sat in the corner. One of the nice nurses came over. “Here sweetie, your mom dropped this stuff off for you today.” She said handing me a bag. I smiled and opened it. I found my laptop, iPod, headphones and my Falling in Reverse poster. “Thank you.” I said hugging her. She ruffled my hair and went off to check on other. I instantly started downloading music and saw a shadow walk by me. I looked up ten minutes later and saw someone sat in front of me. “Oh, I’m sorry I ignored you.” I said. He lifted his head up and smiled. I was shocked. “Don’t worry. It made me happy to see you perk up when you got that bag so I thought I should come over and see what made you so happy.” He said. “You’re Jacky Vincent.” I said. “That I am, you are?” he asked. “Anabel but everyone calls me Ana.” I said. “Do you have a sister named Elsa?” he asked. I laughed a little bit. “Sadly, no. I am my mom’s only daughter. I have a brother named Derek though.” I said. “Is it our Derek?” he asked. “No, he would be a cool brother though.” I said. I pulled my short dark brown hair back into a little bun. “So what are you doing here?” I asked out of curiosity. “Ryan is visiting his little cousin since she gets out soon.” He said. “That’s sweet of you all.” I said. He smiled. “Now why is a pretty girl like you in here?” he asked. I pulled down the sleeves of my sweater and looked down. “Hey, love, you don’t have to tell me but I would like to see you get better. I was wondering if it was okay for me to come back and see you tomorrow.” He said. I nodded. “I would really like that.” I said. He smiled and left with the guys. He turned around at the last second. “I really like your super dark brown eyes.” He said. I blushed and waved goodbye. A girl walked over to me. “Hi, I am Riley. I am Ryan’s cousin. I saw you and Jacky together. It looked like he really liked you and he doesn’t like very man girls.” She said. I smiled. “Thank you. Would you like to go get dinner together?” I asked her. She nodded and we headed to the cafeteria. I lied in bed after today’s events and realized I made two new friends. I woke up early the next morning and showered. I actually completely ignored the test razor they put in the bathroom for me. I got dressed into a simple black sweater with my Nightmare Before Christmas leggings. I pulled on my slippers and began heading out of my room but bumped into someone. “Sorry.” I said. “It’s okay, love.” I heard. I smiled and hugged Jacky. “I thought we could spend sometime alone in your room.” He said. I nodded and let him in. I sat on my bed and he looked around. “I like the Final Fantasy mural.” He said. “I like your sleeves.” I said. He smiled and sat down on my bed next to me. “How are you feeling today?” he asked. “A lot better actually.” I said smiling. He placed the guitar case on the floor he brought in with him. We sat around talking and laughing. “I was wondering if I could play you a song off my solo album?” he asked. I nodded. He plugged his guitar into the amp I had in my room as I shut my door so no one else would be bother. “It is called If You Were Mine.” He said and then he began playing. I watched his hands as he played the song. I couldn’t help but get lost in the melody. It was just so beautiful. “Well what do you think?” He asked nervously. “I love it.” I said. He smiled. A nurse came by saying visiting hours were over. He hugged me goodbye. “Will I see you tomorrow?” I asked. “If that is your wish.” He said. “It is. Please.” I said. “As you wish.” He said. I washed up and went to bed excited to see Jacky tomorrow. I went to place my hand under my pillow as always and I felt something. I pulled the object out to find a disc with a note. “I figured you might like the song. Here is a hard copy so you can listen to it whenever. Sincerely, Jackson.” It read. He wrote Jackson not Jacky. I smiled and put it in my CD player falling asleep to it. Jacky kept coming back every day and we played Final Fantasy together, laughing and having the time of our lives together. I was making so much progress. Jacky has shown me the light of life. He knows why I am here now and I am fine with it. I am finally getting released and heading back home to Arizona. I don’t want to leave Jacky though. I headed outside and looked for my mom. I had tears staining my face and my eyes were all swollen plus my face was red. I did not want to leave Las Vegas and lose Jacky. I saw my mom’s car in the distance and she pulled up. I loaded up my bags. “Anabel!” I heard someone yelling my name. I turned to see Jacky and I cried more. He ran up to me and placed his hands on both my cheeks kissing me. “I don’t want you to leave. Move in with me. Please. I am in love with you.” He said wiping away my tears. “Jacky, what if it doesn’t work out?” I asked. “I promise you, I love you and it will work as long as you love me too.” He said. “I do love you.” I said kissing him back. He smiled and grabbed my bags. “Mom, can I please stay here? I promise to visit.” I said. “Of course, sweetie, now listen Jackson. Take good care of my daughter.” She said. “Mom, how do you know his name?” I asked. “He called me up the other day asking if it was alright for him to date you. I said yes of course.” She said. I laughed and hugged her. I watched her drive off and looked at Jacky. “Well come princess. Our new life awaits us.” He said. I smiled and kissed him again. “You know, I first realized I loved you after our first time talking.” He said. “I realized I loved you after you let me win while we played video games even though I can whip your ass fairly.” I said. “Oh you are so on when we get home.” He said. I laughed. “Loser makes dinner.” I said. “Agreed.” He said and with that we took off running towards his home.

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