Personal Poems (Oli Skyes)

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Harmony's POV

I walked into a small coffee shop near my house. It is my favorite place to go and write. I love writing. I ordered a small cappuccino and sat in my favorite seat. The view out the window is beautiful this time of year. It showed a small outdoor seating area surrounded by boxes of beautiful flowers in every color imaginable. I pulled a small notebook out of my bag. I took out a pen, and began writing about my favorite band: Bring Me the Horizon. They are my biggest inspiration so I began writing about them a lot. I also am completely in love with Oliver Sykes. I sat there for what felt like hours filling pages of my notebook with poems and stories about them. I am writing a paragraph on what it would be like to meet Oli. I suddenly hear footsteps approaching me. "Can I sit with you?" a shy voice asked. I looked up and saw Oliver Sykes standing next to my table looking down awkwardly. I sat there for a moment staring at him with wide eyes. "Ok. Never mind. Sorry to bother you." he said, turning around. "WAIT!" I practically yelled. "Of course you can sit with me, Oli!" He twirled around; a puzzled expression on his face. "You're a fan?" he asked. "Yes." I said. I blushed and looked down at my notebook. "What's in the notebook?" he asked, sliding into the booth across from me. "Oh just stories and poems... and stuff." I replied nervously. "Can you read one to me?" he asked. "I don't know." I replied. "Pweeeaaassseee?" he asked, giving me puppy dog eyes. Mother of god he is adorable. How could I say no? I slowly opened the notebook, earning a smile from Oli. "What do you want me to read?" I asked. "A poem that represents something important your life" he said. "Okay" I said quietly. I couldn't read one about him that would be too embarrassing. So instead I chose a poem that I had written about a week ago. It was very important to me, but I was unsure about reading it. Oli must have noticed. "It's okay. I won't judge you for what you say." He said. He is so sweet. I breathed out and cleared my throat uncomfortably, preparing myself to read: "The razor cuts my wrist, Skin turns to blood, A single tear slips to the ground, The tear turns to a flood. I remember all I've been through, My depression, guilt, and shame, Every bit of it was my fault, I have only myself to blame. A single drip hits the counter, Like a scarlet raindrop falling I wipe it up with tears of grief, until I hear them calling. I curse silently under my breath and slip my bracelets back on, I put on a brave face, and open the door. All of my previous thoughts gone." I said. I was shaking by the time I finished reading. Oli gently took my arm pushing the sleeve up, revealing my cuts. I was terrified of what he was going to say. But he didn't say anything. Instead he brought your cuts to his lips, kissing them gently. He re-covered my arm, putting it back on the table when his phone rang. "Hello? Hey Matt! What? Right now?! But I'm- I know but- ok ok yes yes YES! JESUS CHRIST! Ok fine. I'll see you there. Uh-huh. Yea, bye" He hung up, obviously annoyed by the phone call. "Hey I have to go. The guys need me at the studio." He said standing up. "O-oh, ok. Yeah, that's cool" I said, still in shock from what had just happened. Oli pulled a pen out of his pocket and wrote something down on a napkin on the table. He handed it to me. It was his phone number. "I want you to call me tonight, ok?" he said, looking me in the eyes. "Okay." I answered. "Promise?" He asked, looking at me for reassurance. "Promise." I said. He suddenly pulled me into a tight hug. I hugged him back, feeling like the happiest person in the world. He pulled away and gave me a light kiss on the cheek. "I'll talk to you later, ok?" he asked. "Ok." I replied. And with that he walked out the door, leaving me standing here with a big grin on my face that wouldn't go away.

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