Stress Free (Austin Carlile)

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Maxine's POV

"Maxine, can I please have Sophie back?" Alan asked getting all annoyed. "Nope I want to cuddle with someone and Sophie loves me." I said sticking my tongue out at him. Tino laughed and sat down next to me. "Thanks for letting me come with guys Tino." I said. "Anything for my little sister." He said ruffling my hair. I smiled and placed Sophie down. She ran towards the bunks and Alan ran after her. I chuckled and curled up with Tino. He is the only family I have left besides the guys. Our dad died in a car accident ten years ago and today was the day our mom died three years ago. She died from some heart disease. I got up and headed outside. I ran from our bus to an open field and sat down underneath a tree. I put in my headphones and blasted Dad's Song by Set It Off. This song seemed to comfort me. I felt someone sit behind me and wrap their arms around my waist. I looked at their all black converse and kicked their foot. He kissed my head and I buried my face in his chest. He pulled out my headphones. "Maxine, are you okay?" He asked. I shook my head no. "Everything will be okay Maxine." He said. He started singing to me. I broke down and soak his shirt in tears. I looked up at him and he wiped away my tears. "Maxine, I love you. Your mom would be so proud of you. And I don't ever want you to spend today alone." Austin said. "I love you too Austin. I think I'm ready to tell Tino now." I said. He smiled and we got up. He kissed me lightly and then bent down and kissed my stomach. We headed back to the bus and Tino smiled at us. "Tino, we have something we need to tell you." I said playing with my hair. "What's up?" He asked. I sat down next to him and leaned into his ear. "Your going to be an uncle." I whispered. I looked at his face and he looked pissed. "CARLILE YOUR DEAD!" He yelled chasing Austin off the bus. I chased off after them. I saw Tino punching him. "TINO STOP!" I yelled. I collapsed to the ground and I couldn't breathe. I was having a panic attack again. No I need to calm down I will loose the baby like last time. I looked over at Austin and he was scared for me. He pushed Tino off of him and ran to me. He held my hand and started to soothe me. Tino glared at us but also looked worried about me. "Get me a paper bag now." Austin said as Tino headed onto the bus. I understand why Tino was mad. Austin did cheat on me and leave me. Then he got married to that whore. That was how I lost out first baby. But then he got his heart surgery and she cheated and left him. He apologised to me and swore he changed. I took him back. Tino gave me the paper bag and I started to breathe normally again. I cried into Austin's chest as I felt pain again. "I think I lost her." I said. Tino tried to come over to comfort me. I pushed him away. Austin got Alan and we headed to the hospital. Alan made Tino stay. We got to the hospital and they wheeled me away and took Austin to look at his face. After a few tests the doctors left. Austin and Alan came in and sat with me. Austin kissed me and held my hand. I looked at my engagement ring and smiled. I don't care if Tino doesn't want me to marry him because Austin left me before but I want to be with Austin forever. "Mrs Carlile, your baby is fine. She is healthy and safe." The doctor said. I relaxed and Austin helped me get ready to leave. We got back to the bus and I heard Tino crying I sighed and sat on the couch. I curled up into a ball and started crying. I walked back to Tino's bunk and climbed in next to him. I hugged him tightly and cried into his chest. We laid there crying together. "Tino, Austin and I are in love. We will be together till we die. I love you but you need to accept my relationship." I said. He agreed and hugged me tightly. I climbed out of his bunk and headed to Austin and mine. I curled up next to him and he kissed my headed and then my tummy. "I love you two." He said. "And we love you." I said falling asleep.

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