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Mr. Min Yoongi smiles down at me, his blue eyes twinkling as he leans against my desk.

"Excellent work Jimin."

"I think we're going to make a great team."

Somehow, I manage to curl my lips upward in a semblance of a smile.

"I'll be off, if that's okay with you," I murmur.

"Of course, it's five thirty."

"I'll see you tomorrow."

"Goodnight, boss."

"Goodnight, Jimin."

Collecting my bag, I shrug on my jacket and head for the door.

Out in the early evening air of Seattle, I take a deep breath.

It doesn't begin to fill the void in my chest, a void that's been present since Saturday morning, a painful hollow reminder of my loss.

I walk toward the bus stop with my head down, staring at my feet and contemplating being without my beloved car, my old Beetle or the Audi.

I shut the door on that thought immediately. No.

Don't think about him.

Of course, I can afford a car - a nice, new car.

I suspect he has been overgenerous in his payment, and the thought leaves a bitter taste in my mouth but I dismiss it and try to keep my mind as numb and as blank as possible.

I can't think about him.

I don't want to start crying again -

not out on the street.

The apartment is empty.

I miss Tae and I imagine him lying on a beach in Barbados sipping a cool cocktail.

I turn on the flat-screen television so there's noise to fill the vacuum and provide some semblance of company, but I don't listen or watch.

I sit and stare blankly at the brick wall. I am numb.

I feel nothing but the pain.

How long must I endure this?

The door buzzer startles me from my anguish and my heart skips a beat.

Who could that be?

I press the intercom.

"Delivery for Mr park." A bored disembodied voice answers and disappointment crashes through me.

I listlessly make my way downstairs and find a young man noisily chewing gum, holding a large cardboard box and leaning against the front door.

I sign for the package and take it upstairs, The box is huge and surprisingly light.

Inside are two dozen long-stemmed, white roses and a card.

Congratulations on your first day at work.

I hope it went well.

And thank you for the glider. That was very thoughtful.

It has pride of place on my desk.


I stare at the typed card, the hollow in my chest expanding.

No doubt, his assistant sent this. Jungkook probably had very little to do with it.

It's too painful to think about.

I examine the roses they are beautiful and I can't bring myself to throw them in the trash.

Fifty Shades Of Jeon || Jikook ✅ (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now