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When I next glance at my phone to my horror I realize it's four in the afternoon.

Where has the day gone?

Still no message from Jungkook.

I decide to e-mail him again.

From: Park Jimin

Subject: Hello

Date: June 17, 2011 16:03

To: Jeon Jungkook

Are you not talking to me?

Don't forget I am going for a drink with Joon and that he's staying with us tonight.

Please rethink about joining us.

J x

He doesn't reply and I feel a frisson of unease.

I hope he's okay.

Calling his mobile, I get his voicemail.

The announcement simply says Jeon, leave a message in his most clipped tone.

"Hi... um... it's me. Jimin."

"Are you okay? Call me." I stutter through my message.

I've never had to leave one for him before. I flush as I hang up.

Of course he'll know it's you, idiot!

I am tempted to ring his PA Andrea but decide that's a step too far.

Reluctantly I continue my work.

My phone rings unexpectedly and my heart jumps.

Jungkook! But no it's Tae, my best friend finally!

"Jimin!" Tae shouts from where ever he is.

"Tae! Are you back?"

"I've missed you."

"Me, too."

"I have so much to tell you."

"We're at Sea-Tac me and my man." He giggles in a most un-Tae-like way.

"Cool. I have so much to tell you, too."

"See you back at the apartment?"

"I'm having drinks with Joon."

"Join us."

"Joon's in town? Sure!"

"Text me where."

"Okay." I beam.

My best friend is home.

After all this time!

"You good, Jimin?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Still with Jungkook?"


"Good, Laters baby!"

Oh, not him as well. Hobi's influence knows no bounds.

"Yeah laters, baby." I grin and he hangs up.

Wow. Taehyung is home.

How am I going to tell him all that has happened?

I should write it down so I don't forget anything.

An hour later my office phone rings. Jungkook? No, it's Claire.

"You should see the guy asking for you in reception."

"How come you know all these hot guys, Jimin?"

Joon must be here.

Fifty Shades Of Jeon || Jikook ✅ (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now