69 (M)

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"Kookie please, I'm here."

"I'm not going anywhere." I say soothingly.

"Oh, baby." he breathes.

He grasps my chin to hold me in place and then his mouth is on mine.

Desire sweeps through him and unbidden my body responds - it's so tied and attuned to him.

His lips are at my ear, my throat, then back at my mouth, his teeth gently pulling at my lower lip, his hand traveling up my body from my hip to my chest, dragging my T-shirt up.

Caressing me, feeling his way through the dips and shallows of my skin, he elicits the same familiar reaction, his touch sending shivers through me.

I moan as his fingers tighten over my nipple.

"I want you." he murmurs.

"I'm here for you."

"Only you, Jungkook."

He groans and kisses me once more, passionately, with a fervor and desperation I've not felt from him before.

Grabbing the hem of his T-shirt, I tug and he helps me pull it off over his head.

Kneeling between my legs, he hastily pulls me upright and drags my T-shirt off.

His eyes are serious, wanting, full of dark secrets - exposed.

He folds his hands around my face and kisses me and we sink down into the bed once more, his thigh between both of mine so that he's half-lying on top of me.

He wants me but his words from earlier choose this moment to come back and haunt me, what he said about his mother.

And it's like a bucket of cold water on my libido.

Fuck. I can't do this. Not now.

"My love Stop, I can't do this." I whisper urgently against his mouth, my hands pushing on his upper arms.

"What? What's wrong?" he murmurs and starts kissing my neck, running the tip of his tongue lightly down my throat.


"No, please I can't do this, not now. I need some time please."

"Oh, don't overthink this." he whispers as he nips my earlobe.

"Ah!" I gasp, feeling it in my groin and my body bows, betraying me.

This is so confusing.

"I am just the same, I love you and I need you."

"Touch me, Please." He rubs his nose against mine and his quiet heartfelt plea moves me and I melt.

Touch him.

Touch him while we make love.

Oh my.

He rears up over me, gazing down and in the half-light from the dimmed bedside light, I can tell that he's waiting, waiting for my decision and he's caught in my spell.

I reach up and tentatively place my hand on the soft patch of hair over his sternum.

He gasps and scrunches his eyes closed as if in pain but I don't take my hand away this time.

I move it up to his shoulders, feeling the tremor run through him.

He groans, and I pull him down to me and place both my hands on his back, where I've never touched him before, on his shoulder blades, holding him to me. His strangled moan arouses me like nothing else.

Fifty Shades Of Jeon || Jikook ✅ (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now