30 (M)

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"baby no." he grunts, trying to still me But I want him too much and I grind against him, matching him thrust for thrust.

"Fuck" he hisses as he cums and the tortured sound sets me off again spiraling into a healing orgasm that goes on and on and wrings me out and leaves me spent and breathless.

Jungkook bends and kisses my shoulder then pulls out of me.

Placing his arms around me, he rests his head in the middle of my back and we lie like this, both kneeling at the bedside, for what? Seconds?

Minutes even as our breathing calms, My bellyache has disappeared and all I feel is a soothing satisfying serenity.

He stirs and kisses my back. "I believe you owe me a dance, Baby." he murmurs.

"Hmm." I respond, savoring the absence of achiness and basking in the afterglow.

He sits back on his heels and pulls me off the bed onto his lap.

"We don't have long Come on." He kisses my hair and forces me to stand.

I grumble but sit back down on the bed and collect my panties from the floor and scoop them on after cleaning myself.

Lazily I walk to the chair to retrieve my dress, I note with dispassionate interest that I did not remove my shoes during our illicit tryst.

Jungkook is tying his bow tie, having finished straightening himself and the bed.

As I slip my dress back on, I check out the photographs on the pin board.

Jungkook as a sullen teen was gorgeous even then with hobi and Mia on the ski slopes on his own in Paris, the Arc de Triomphe serving as a giveaway back-ground in London New York; the Grand Canyon; Sydney Opera House even the Great Wall of China.

Master Jeon was well traveled at a young age.

There are ticket stubs to various concerts: IU, Bts, The Verve, Sheryl Crow, the New York Philharmonic performing Prokofiev's Romeo and Juliet - what an eclectic mix!

And in the corner, there's a passport-size photograph of a young woman.

It's in black and white.

She looks familiar but for the life of me, I can't place her. Not Mrs. Robinson, thank heavens.

"Who's this?" I ask.

"No one of consequence." he mutters as he slips on his jacket and straightens his bow tie.

"Shall I zip you up?"


"Then why is she on your pin board?"

"An oversight on my part."

"How's my tie?" He raises his chin like a small boy and I grin and straighten it for him.

"Now it's perfect."

"Like you" he murmurs and grabs me kissing me passionately.

"Feeling better?"

"Much thank you My love."

"The pleasure was all mine baby."

The guests are assembling on the dance floor, he grins at me  we've made it just in time and he leads me onto the checkered floor.

"And now, ladies and gentlemen, it's time for the first dance."

"Mr. and Dr. Jeon are you ready?" Carrick nods in agreement, his arms around Grace.

Fifty Shades Of Jeon || Jikook ✅ (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now