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"She's gone." he says warily, gauging my reaction.

I gaze up at him, trying to frame my question. "Will you tell me all about her?"

"I am trying to understand why you think she helped you."

I pause, thinking carefully about my next sentence. "I loathe her, I think she did you untold damage, You have no friends."

"Did she keep them away from you?"

He sighs and runs his hand through his hair.

"Why the fuck do you want to know about her? We had a very long-standing affair, she beat the shit out of me often and I fucked her in all sorts of ways you can't even imagine end of story."

I pale. Shit, he's angry with me.

I blink at him. "Why are you so angry?"

"Because all of that shit is over!" he shouts, glowering at me. He sighs in exasperation and shakes his head.

I blanch. I look down at my hands, knotted in my lap.

"I just want to understand."

He sits down beside me. "What do you want to know?" he asks wearily.

"You don't have to tell me."

"I don't mean to intrude."

"Little star, it's not that."

"I don't like talking about this shit, I've lived in a bubble for years with nothing affecting me and not having to justify myself to anyone."

"She's always been there as a confidante and now my past and my future are colliding in a way I never thought possible."

I glance at him and he's staring at me, his eyes wide.

"I never thought I had a future with anyone, Baby."

" You give me hope and have me thinking about all sorts of possibilities." He drifts off.

"I was listening." I whisper and stare back down at my hands.

"What? To our conversation?"


"Well?" He sounds resigned.

"She cares for you."

"Yes, she does and I for her in my own way but it doesn't come close to how I feel about you."

"If that's what this is about."

"I'm not jealous." I'm wounded that he would think that or am I?

Shit. Maybe that's what this is. "You don't love her." I murmur.

He sighs again.

He really is pissed. "A long time ago, I thought I loved her." he says through gritted teeth.

Oh. "When we were in Georgia... you said you didn't love her."

"That's right." I frown.

"I loved you then." he whispers.

"You're the only person I'd fly three thousand miles to see."

Oh my.

I don't understand.

He still wanted me as a sub then.

My frown deepens.

"The feelings I have for you are very different from any I ever had for Elena." he says by way of explanation.

Fifty Shades Of Jeon || Jikook ✅ (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now