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The dusk has followed us from Seattle and the sky is awash with opal, pinks and aquamarines woven seamlessly together as only Mother Nature knows how.

It's a clear, crisp evening and the lights of Portland twinkle and wink welcoming us as Jungkook sets the helicopter down on the helipad.

We are on top of the strange brown brick building in Portland we left less than three weeks ago.

Jeez, it's been hardly any time at all.

Yet I feel like I've known Jungkook for a lifetime.

He powers down Charlie Tango, flipping various switches so the rotors stop and eventually all I hear is my own breathing through the headphones. Hmm.

Briefly it reminds me of the Thomas Tallis experience.

I blanch, I so don't want to go there right now.

Jungkook unbuckles his harness and leans across to undo mine.

"Good trip, Mr park ?" he asks his voice mild, his eyes brown glowing.

"Yes thank you, Mr. Jeon." I reply politely.

"Well, let's go see the boy's photos." He holds his hand out to me and taking it, I climb out of Charlie Tango.

A gray-haired man with a beard walks over to meet us, smiling broadly and I recognize him as the old-timer from the last time we were here.

"Joe." Jungkook smiles and releases my hand to shake Joe's warmly.

"Keep her safe for Stephan."

"He'll be along around eight or nine."

"Will do, Mr. Jeon."

"Mr park." he says, nodding at me.

"Your car's waiting downstairs sir Oh and the elevator's out of order, you'll need to use the stairs."

"Thank you, Joe."

Jungkook takes my hand and we head to the emergency stairs.

"Good thing for you this is only three floors, in those heels." he mutters to me in disapproval.

No kidding.

"Don't you like the boots?"

"I like them very much, Jiminie." His gaze darkens and I think he might say something else but he stops.

"Come, we'll take it slow."

"I don't want you falling and breaking your neck."

We sit in silence as our driver takes us to the gallery.

My anxiety has returned full force and I realize that our time in Charlie Tango has been the eye of the storm.

Jungkook is quiet and brooding apprehensive even, our lighter mood from earlier has dissipated.

There's so much I want to say but this journey is too short.

He stares pensively out the window.

"Joon is just a friend." I murmur.

He turns and gazes at me, his eyes dark and guarded, giving nothing away.

His mouth oh his mouth is distracting and unbidden.

I remember it on me every where, My skin heats.

He shifts in his seat and frowns.

"Those beautiful eyes look too large in your face, Jimin."

Fifty Shades Of Jeon || Jikook ✅ (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now