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At twelve thirty, Elizabeth buzzes me.

"Jimin, we need you in a meeting at one o'clock in the boardroom."

"Jerry Roach and Kay Bestie will be there you know, the company president and vice president?"

"All the commissioning editors will be attending." Shit!

"Do I need to prepare anything?"

"No, this is just an informal gathering we do once a month."

"Lunch will be provided."

"I'll be there." I hang up.

Holy shit!

I check through the current roster of Yoongi's authors.

Yes, I've pretty much got those nailed.

I have the five manuscripts he's championing, plus two more, which should really be considered for publication.

I take a deep breath, I cannot believe it's lunchtime already.

The day has flown by and I'm loving it, There has been so much to absorb this morning.

A ping from my calendar announces an appointment.

Oh no Mia! In all the excitement I have forgotten about our lunch.

I fish out my Blackberry and try frantically to find her phone number.

My phone buzzes.

"It's him, in reception." Claire's voice is hushed.

"Who?" For a moment, I think it might be Jungkook.

"The blond god."


Oh, what does he want?

I immediately feel guilty for not having called him.

Jih, dressed in a checked blue shirt, white T-shirt and jeans, beams at me when I appear.

"Wow! You look hot, park." he says, nodding appreciatively.

He gives me a quick hug. "Is everything okay?" I ask.

He frowns. "Everything's fine, I just wanted to see you."

"I've not heard from you in a while and I wanted to check how Mr. Mogul was treating you."

I flush and can't help my smile.

"Okay!" Jih exclaims, holding up his hands.

"I can tell by the secret smile."

"I don't want to know any more,I came by on the off chance you could do lunch."

"I'm enrolling at Seattle for psych courses in September."

"For my master's."

"So much has happened, I have a ton to tell you but right now, I can't. I have a meeting." An idea hits me hard.

"And I wonder if you can do me a really big favor?" I clasp my hands together in supplication.

"Sure," he says, bemused by my pleading.

"I'm supposed to be having lunch with Jungkook and hobi's sister but I can't get hold of her and this meeting's just been sprung on me."

"Please will you take her for lunch? Please?"

"Aw, I don't want to babysit some brat."

"Please, Jih." I give him the biggest-bluest-longest-eye-lashed look that I can manage.

Fifty Shades Of Jeon || Jikook ✅ (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now