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"Twenty-four thousand dollars is nothing. The car, the Tess books, the clothes, they're nothing." His voice is soft.

I gaze at him. He really has no idea. Extraordinary.

"If you were me, how would you feel about all this largesse coming your way?" I ask.

He stares at me blankly and there it is, his problem in a nutshell empathy or the lack thereof.

The silence stretches between us.

Finally, he shrugs."I don't know." he says and he looks genuinely bemused.

My heart swells.

This is it, the crux of his Fifty Shades, surely.

He can't put himself in my shoes.

Well, now I know.

"It doesn't feel great."

"I mean, you're very generous but it makes me uncomfortable."

"I have told you this enough times."

He sighs. "I want to give you the world, Jiminie."

"I just want you, My love."

"Not all the add-ons."

"They're part of the deal."

"Part of what I am."

Oh, this is going nowhere.

"Shall we eat?" I ask.

This tension between us is draining.

He frowns. "Sure."

"I'll cook."


"Otherwise there's food in the fridge."

"Mrs. Jones is off on the weekends?"

"So you eat cold cuts most weekends?"



He sighs. "My submissives cook, baby."

"Oh, of course." I flush.

How could I be so stupid?

I smile sweetly at him. "What would Sir like to eat?"

He smirks. "Whatever Sir can find." he says darkly.

Inspecting the impressive contents of the fridge, I decide on Spanish omelet.

There are even cold potatoes - perfect. It's quick and easy.

Jungkook is still in his study, no doubt invading some poor, unsuspecting fool's privacy and compiling information.

The thought is unpleasant and leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. My mind is reeling.

He really knows no bounds.

I need music if I'm going to cook, and I'm going to cook unsubmissively!

I wander over to the iPod dock beside the fireplace and pick up Jungkook's iPod.

I bet there are more of Leila's choices on here, I dread the very idea.

Where is she? I wonder.

What does she want?

I shudder. What a legacy.

I can't wrap my head around it.

I scroll through the extensive list.

Fifty Shades Of Jeon || Jikook ✅ (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now