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Carrick and Grace interrupt my uncharitable thoughts and soon I am being hugged and kissed and passed around by all the Jeon's.

"Oh, Jimin I am so delighted you're going to be family." Grace gushes.

"The change in jungkook... He's happy. I am so thankful to you." I blush, embarrassed by her exuber-ance but secretly delighted, too.

"Where is the ring?" exclaims Mia as she embraces me.

"Um..." A ring! Jeez. I hadn't even thought about a ring.

I glance anxiously up at Jungkook.

"We're going to choose one together." He glowers at her.

"Oh, don't look at me like that, Jeon!" she scolds him, then wraps her arms around him.

"I'm so thrilled for you,"she says.

She's the only person I know who is not intimidated by the Jeon glower. It has me quailing...

Well, it certainly used to.

"When will you get married?"

"Have you set a date?" She beams up at Jungkook.

He shakes his head, his exasperation palpable. "No idea, and no we haven't."

"Jimin and I need to discuss all that." he says irritably.

"I hope you have a big wedding - here" she beams enthusiastically, ignoring his caus-tic tone.

"We'll probably fly to Vegas tomorrow." he growls at her and he's rewarded with a full-on Mia pouty grimace.

Rolling his eyes, he turns to hobi, who gives him his second bear hug in as many days.

"Way to go, bro." He claps Jungkook's back.

The response from the room is overwhelming and it's a few minutes before I find myself back beside Jungkook with Dr. Flynn.

Elena seems to have disappeared and Gretchen is sullenly refilling champagne glasses.

Beside Dr. Flynn is a striking young woman with long, dark, almost black hair, cleavage and lovely hazel eyes.

"Jungkook." says Flynn, holding out his hand.

Jungkook shakes it gladly.

"John. Rhian." He kisses the dark-haired woman on her cheek. She's petite and pretty.

"Glad you're still with us, Jeon."

"My life would be most dull and penurious without you."

Jungkook smirks.

"John!" Rhian scolds, much to Jungkook's amusement.

"Rhian, this is Jimin my fiancee."

"Jimin, this is John's wife."

"Delighted to meet the man who has finally captured his heart." Rhian smiles kindly at me.

"Thank you." I mutter, embarrassed again.

"That was one googly you bowled there, Jeon." Dr. Flynn shakes his head in amused disbelief.

Jungkook frowns at him.

"John you and your cricket metaphors." Rhian rolls her eyes.

"Congratulations to the pair of you and happy birthday, Jeon."

"What a wonderful birthday present." She smiles broadly at me.

I had no idea Dr. Flynn would be here or Elena.

Fifty Shades Of Jeon || Jikook ✅ (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now