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"Yes." he breathes again with the weird ability to answer my unspoken questions.

I extend my fingertips on his chest and He closes his eyes and his face creases as if he's experiencing intolerable pain.

It's unbearable to witness, so I lift my fingers immediately but he quickly grabs my hand and replaces it firmly, flat on his bare chest.

"No," he says, his voice strained.

"I need to." His eyes are screwed up so tightly.

This must be agony.

It's truly tormenting to watch.

Carefully I let my fingers stroke across his chest to his heart, marveling at the feel of him, terrified that this is a step too far.

He opens his eyes and they are fire, blazing at me.

Holy cow.

His look is blistering, feral, beyond intense and his breathing is rapid. It stirs my blood.

I squirm under his gaze.

He hasn't stopped me, so I run my fingertips across his chest again and his mouth goes slack.

He's panting and I don't know if it's from fear or something else.

I've wanted to kiss him there for so long that I lean up on my knees and hold his gaze for a moment, making my intention perfectly clear.

Then I bend and gently plant a soft kiss above his heart, feeling his warm, sweet-smelling skin beneath my lips.

His strangled groan moves me so much that I sit back on my heels, fearful of what I'll see on his face His eyes are screwed tightly shut but he hasn't moved.

"Again," he whispers and I lean into his chest once more, this time to kiss one of his scars.

He gasps and I kiss another and another.

He groans loudly and suddenly his arms are around me and his hand is in my hair, pulling my head up painfully so that my lips meet his insistent mouth.

And we're kissing, my fingers knotting into his hair.

"Oh, baby." he breathes and he twists and pulls me down on to the floor so that I am underneath him.

I bring my hands up to cup his beautiful face and in that moment, I feel his tears.

He's crying... no. No!

"My love, please don't cry."

"I meant it when I said I'd never leave you,I did. If I gave you any other impression, I'm so sorry..."

"please, please forgive me. I love you. I will always love you."

He looms over me, gazing down into my face and his expression is so pained.

"What is it?"

His eyes grow larger.

"What is this secret that makes you think I'll run for the hills?"

"That makes you so determined to believe I'll go?" I plead, my voice tremulous.

"Tell me, Jungkook please... "

He sits up, though this time he crosses his legs and I follow suit, my legs outstretched.

Vaguely I wonder if we can get off the floor?

But I don't want to interrupt his train of thought.

He's finally going to confide in me.

He gazes down at me and he looks utterly desolate.

Fifty Shades Of Jeon || Jikook ✅ (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now