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"I think you do, Mr park."

" I think you like to drive me wild."

"Do I drive you wild?" I whisper.

"In all things, baby."

"You are a siren."

And he reaches for me, grasping my leg above my knee and hitching it around his waist, so that I am standing on one leg, leaning into him.

I feel him against me, feel him hard and wanting above the apex of my thighs as he runs his lips down my throat.

I moan and wrap my arms around his neck.

"I'm going to take you now, baby." he breathes and I arch my back in response, pressing myself against him, eager for the friction.

He groans deep and low in the back of his throat and boosts me higher as he undoes his fly.

"Hold tight, baby." he murmurs, and magically produces a foil packet that he holds in front of my mouth.

I take it between my teeth and he tugs, so that between us, we rip it open."Good boy."

He steps back a fraction as he slides on the condom. "God, I can't wait for the next six days." he growls and gazes down at me through hooded eyes.

"I do hope you're not overly fond of these panties."

He tears through them with his adept fingers and they disintegrate in his hands.

My blood is pounding through my veins. I am panting with need.

His words are intoxicating, all my angst from the day forgotten.

It's just him and me, doing what we do best.

Without taking his eyes off mine, he sinks slowly into me.

My body bows and I tilt my head back, closing my eyes, relishing the feel of him inside me.

He pulls back and then moves into me again, so slow, so sweet.

I groan.

"You're mine baby." he murmurs against my throat.

"Yes yours."

"When will you accept that?" I pant.

He groans and starts to move, really move and I surrender myself to his relentless rhythm, savoring each push and pull, his ragged breathing, his need for me, reflecting mine.

It makes me feel powerful, strong, desired and loved by this captivating, complicated man, whom I love in return with all my heart.

He pushes harder and harder, his breathing ragged, losing himself in me as I lose myself in him.

"Oh, baby." He moans, his teeth grazing my jaw and I cum hard.

He stills, clutches me and follows suit whispering my name.

Now that he is spent, calm and kissing me gently, his breathing eases.

He holds me upright against the elevator wall, our foreheads pressed together and my body is like jelly, weak but gratifyingly sated from my climax.

"Oh, baby." he murmurs.

"I need you so much." He kisses my forehead.

"And I you, My love."

Releasing me, we cleaned up and he straightens my skirt and does up the two buttons on my shirt, then punches the combination into the keypad that starts the elevator again.

Fifty Shades Of Jeon || Jikook ✅ (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now