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The day drags and drags and Yoongi is unusually attentive.

I suspect it's Tae's plum dress and the black high-heeled boots I've stolen from his closet but I don't dwell on the thought.

I resolve to go clothes shopping with my first pay check, The dress is looser on me than it was but I pretend not to notice.

Finally it's five thirty and I collect my jacket and purse, trying to quell my nerves.

I'm going to see him!

"Do you have a date tonight?" Yoongi asks as he strolls past my desk on his way out.

"Yes. No. Not really."

He cocks an eyebrow at me, his interest clearly piqued.


I flush. "No, a friend."

"An ex-boyfriend."

"Maybe tomorrow you'd like to come for a drink after work. You've had a stellar first week Jimin, We should celebrate."

He smiles and some unknown emotion flits across his face, making me uneasy.

Putting his hands in his pockets, he saunters through the double doors.

I frown at his retreating back.

Drinks with the boss is that a good idea?

I shake my head.

I have an evening of Joen Jungkook to get through first.

How am I going to do this?

I hurry into the restroom to make last minute adjustments.

In the large mirror on the wall, I take a long, hard look at my face.

I am my usual pale self, dark circles round my eyes.

I look gaunt, haunted.

Jeez, I wish I knew how to use makeup. I apply some mascara and eyeliner and pinch my cheeks, hoping to bring some color their way.

Tidying my hair so that it hangs artfully down my back, I take a deep breath.

This will have to do.

Nervously I walk through the foyer with a smile and a wave to Claire at reception.

I think she and I could become friends.

Yoongi is talking to Elizabeth as I head for the doors.

Smiling broadly, he hurries over to open them for me.

"After you jimin." he murmurs.

"Thank you." I smile, embarrassed.

Outside on the curb, Taylor is waiting.

He opens the rear door of the car, I glance hesitantly at Yoongi who has followed me out.

He's looking toward the Audi SUV in dismay.

I turn and climb into the back and there he sits Jungkook wearing his gray suit, no tie, his white shirt open at the collar.

His brown eyes are glowing.

My mouth dries.

He looks glorious except he's scowling at me. Oh no!

"When did you last eat?" he snaps as Taylor closes the door behind me.

"Hello, Jungkook."

"Yes it's nice to see you too."

"I don't want your smart mouth now."

Fifty Shades Of Jeon || Jikook ✅ (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now