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Jungkook holds up his hand, signaling to Taylor to stay where he is.

Taylor's blanched face betrays his fury.

I have never seen him like this, but he stands stock-still as Jungkook and Leila stare at each other.

I realize I'm holding my breath.

What will she do?

What will he do?

But they just continue to stare at each other.

Jungkook's expression is raw, full of some unnamed emotion.

It could be pity, fear, affection... or is it love? No, please, not love!

His eyes bore into her and agonizingly slowly, the atmosphere in the apartment changes.

The tension is building so that I can sense their connection, the charge between them .

No! Suddenly I feel I'm the interloper, intruding on them as they stand gazing at each other.

I'm an outsider - a voyeur, spying on a forbidden, intimate scene behind closed curtains.

Jungkook's intense gaze burns brighter and his bearing changes subtly.

He looks taller, more angular somehow, colder and more distant. I recognize this stance.

I've seen him like this before - in his playroom.

My scalp prickles anew.

This is Dominant Jungkook and how at ease he looks.

Whether he was born to or made for this role,I just don't know but with a sinking heart and sickened stomach, I watch as Leila responds, her lips parting, her breathing picking up as the first flush of color stains her cheeks.

No! It's such an unwelcome glimpse into his past, agonizing to witness.

Finally, he mouths a word at her.

I can't make out what it is but the effect on Leila is immediate.

She drops to the floor on her knees, her head bowed and the gun falls and skit-ters uselessly across the wooden floor.

Holy fuck.

Jungkook walks calmly over to where the gun has fallen and bends gracefully to pick it up.

He regards it with ill-disguised disgust then slips it into his jacket pocket.

He gazes once more at Leila as she kneels compliantly beside the kitchen island.

"Jimin, go with Taylor." he commands.

Taylor crosses the threshold and stares at me. "Jih." I whisper.

"Downstairs." He responds matter-of-factly, his eyes never leaving Leila.


Not here.

Jih's okay, Relief floods hard and fast through my blood and for a moment I think I'm going to faint.

"Jimin." Jungkook's tone is clipped in warning.

I blink at him and I'm suddenly unable to move.

I don't want to leave him with her, He moves to stand beside Leila as she kneels at his feet.

He's hovering over her, protectively.

She's so still, it's unnatural.

I can't take my eyes off the two of them together...

Fifty Shades Of Jeon || Jikook ✅ (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now