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"Good to see you Jimin." he murmurs.

He really looks very striking in his extraordinary gold mask.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please nominate a table head." the MC calls out.

"Ooo me, me!"says Mia bouncing enthusiastically in her seat.

"In the center of the table you will find an envelope," the MC continues.

"Would everyone find, beg, borrow or steal a bill of the highest denomination you can manage, write your name on it, and place it inside the envelope."

"Table heads, please guard these envelopes carefully."

"We will need them later."

Holy crap.

I haven't brought any money with me.

How stupid - it's a charity event!

Fishing out his wallet, Jungkook produces two hundred-dollar bills.

"Here." he says.


"I'll pay you back." I whisper.

His mouth twists slightly and I know he's not happy but he doesn't comment.

I sign my name using his fountain pen it's black with a white flower motif on the cap and Mia passes the envelope round.

In front of me I find another card inscribed with silver calligraphy - our menu.

Well, that accounts for the number of crystal glasses in every size that crowd my place setting, Our waiter is back, offering wine and water.

Behind me, the sides of the tent through which we entered are being closed, while at the front, two servers pull back the canvas, revealing the sunset over Seattle and Meydenbauer Bay.

It's an absolutely breathtaking view, the twinkling lights of Seattle in the distance and the orange, dusky calm of the bay reflecting the opal sky. Wow.

It's so calm and peaceful.

Ten servers, each holding a plate, come to stand between us.

On a silent cue, they serve us our starters in complete synchronization, then vanish again.

The salmon looks delicious and I realize I am famished.

"Hungry?" Jungkook murmurs so only I can hear.

I know he's not referring to the food and the muscles deep in my belly respond.

"Very." I whisper, boldly meeting his gaze and Jungkook's lips part as he inhales.

Ha! See two can play at this game.

Jungkook's grandfather engages me in conversation immediately.

He's a wonderful old man, so proud of his daughter and three children.

It is weird to think of Jungkook as a child.

The memory of his burn scars come unbidden to my mind but I quickly quash it.

I don't want to think about that now, though ironically, it's the reason behind this party.

I wish Tae was here with hobi.

He would fit in so well the sheer number of forks and knives laid out before him wouldn't daunt Tae, he would command the table.

I imagine him duking it out with Mia over who should be table head.

Fifty Shades Of Jeon || Jikook ✅ (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now