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I drag my gaze away from him and scan the room for Joon, He's talking to a group of young women.

I stalk off toward him and away from Fifty.

Just because he brought me here, I have to do as he says?

Who the hell does he think he is?

The girls are hanging on Joon's every word. One of them gasps as I approach, no doubt recognizing me from the portraits.


"Jimin, Excuse me girls." Joon grins at them and puts his arm around me and on some level I'm amused Joon all smooth,impressing the ladies.

"You look mad." he says.

"I have to go." I mutter mulishly.

"You just got here."

"I know but Jungkook needs to get back."

"The pictures are fantastic Joon, you're very talented."

He beams. "It was so cool seeing you."

Joon sweeps me into a big bear hug, spinning me so I can see Jungkook across the gallery.

He's scowling and I realize it's because I'm in Joon's arms.

So in a very calculating move, I wrap my arms around Joon's neck, I think Jungkook is going to exposed.

His glare darkens to some thing quite sinister and slowly he makes his way toward us.

"Thanks for the warning about the portraits of me." I mumble.

"Shit Sorry Jimin."

"I should have told you."

"Do you like them?"

"Um I don't know," I answer truthfully, momentarily knocked off balance by his question.

"Well, they're all sold, so somebody likes them. How cool is that? You're a poster girl." He hugs me tighter still as Jungkook reaches us, glowering at me now, though fortunately Joon doesn't see.

Joon releases me. "Don't be a stranger Chim."

"Oh Mr. Jeon, good evening."

"Mr. Kim, very impressive." Jungkook sounds icily polite.

"I'm sorry we can't stay longer but we need to head back to Seattle, Jimin?" He subtly stresses we and takes my hand as he does so.

"Bye Joon, Congratulations again." I give him a quick kiss on the cheek and before I know it he oh is dragging me out of the building.

I know he's boiling with silent wrath but so am I.

He looks quickly up and down the street then heads left and suddenly sweeps me into a side alley, abruptly pushing me up against a wall.

He grabs my face between his hands, forcing me to look up into his determined eyes.

I gasp and his mouth swoops down.

He's kissing me, violently. Briefly our teeth clash then his tongue is in my mouth.

Desire explodes like the Fourth of July throughout my body and I'm kissing him back matching his fervor, my hands knotting in his hair pulling it, hard.

He groans, a low sexy sound in the back of his throat that reverberates through me and his hand moves down my body to the top of my thigh, his fingers digging into my flesh through the plum dress.

I pour all the angst and heart break of the last few days into our kiss, binding him to me and it hits me in this moment of blinding passion - he's doing the same, he feels the same.

Fifty Shades Of Jeon || Jikook ✅ (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now