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"So you're going to buy it?" I ask.


"You'll put Escala on the market?"

He frowns. "Why would I do that?"

"To pay for" My voice trails off - of course. I flush.

He smirks at me. "Trust me, I can afford it."

"Do you like being rich?"

"Yes, Show me someone who doesn't." he says darkly.

Okay, get off that subject quickly.

"baby, you're going to have to learn to be rich too, if you say yes." he says softly.

"Wealth isn't something I've ever aspired to, Jungkook." I frown.

"I know."

"I love that about you."

"But then you've never been hungry." he says simply.

His words are sobering.

"Where are we going?" I ask brightly, changing the subject.

"To celebrate." Jungkook relaxes.

Oh! "Celebrate what, the house?"

"Have you forgotten already?"

"Your acting editor role."

"Oh yes." I grin.

Unbelievably, I had forgotten.


"Up high at my club."

"Your club?"

"Yes, One of them."

The Mile High Club is on the seventy-sixth floor of Columbia Tower, higher even than his apartment.

It's very now and has the most head-spinning views over Seattle.

"Cristal, sir?" He hands me a glass of chilled champagne as I sit perched on a barstool.

"Why thank you, sir. " I stress the last word flirtatiously, batting my eyelashes at him deliberately.

He gazes at me and his face darkens. "Are you flirting with me, Park Jimin?"

"Yes Mr Jeon, I am."

"What are you going to do about it?"

"I'm sure I can think of some thing." he says, his voice low.

"Come our table's ready."

As we approach the table, he stops me, his hand on my elbow.

"Go and take your panties off" he whispers.

Oh? A delicious tingle runs down my spine.

"Go." he commands quietly.

Whoa, what? I blink up at him.

He's not smiling, he's dead serious.

Every muscle below my waistline tightens.

I hand him my glass of wine turn sharply on my heel and head for the restroom.

Shit. What's he going to do?

Perhaps this club is aptly named.

The restrooms are the height of modern design all dark wood, black granite and pools of light from strategically placed halogens.

In the privacy of the stall, I smirk as I divest myself of my underwear.

Again I'm grateful I changed into the navy blue shift dress.

Fifty Shades Of Jeon || Jikook ✅ (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now