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Jungkook closes the door and shakes his head.

He gazes down at me, his eyes suddenly bright with excitement.

What's this?

"Just the family left, I think my mother has had too much to drink." Grace is singing karaoke on some game console in the family room. Tae and Mia are giving her a run for her money.

"Do you blame her?" I smirk at him, trying to keep the atmosphere between us light.

I succeed.

"Are you smirking at me?"

"I am."

"It's been quite a day."

"My love recently, every day with you has been quite a day." My voice is sardonic.

He shakes his head. "Fair point well made, Baby."

"Come I want to show you some thing." Taking my hand, he leads me through the house to the kitchen where Carrick, Jih and Hobi are talking Mariners, drinking the last of the cocktails, and eating leftovers.

"Off for a stroll?" Hobi teases suggestively as we make our way through the French doors.

Jungkook ignores him.

Carrick frowns at hobi, shaking his head in a silent rebuke.

As we make our way up the steps to the lawn, I take off my shoes.

The half-moon shines brightly over the bay.

It's brilliant, casting everything in myriad of shades of gray as the lights of Seattle twinkle sweetly in the distance.

The lights of the boathouse are on, a soft glowing beacon in the cool cast of the moon.

"My love, I'd like to go to church tomorrow."


"I prayed you'd come back alive and you did."

"It's the least I could do."


We wander hand in hand in a relaxed silence for a few moments.

Then something occurs to me.

"Where are you going to put the photos Joon took of me?"

"I thought we might put them in the new house."

"You bought it?"

He stops to stare at me, and his voice full of concern. "Yes."

"I thought you liked it."

"I do when did you buy it?"

"Yesterday morning."

"Now we need to decide what to do with it" he murmurs, relieved.

"Don't knock it down Please."

"It's such a lovely house, It just needs some tender loving care."

Jungkook glances at me and smiles. "Okay, I'll talk to hobi."

"He knows a good architect; she did some work on my place is Aspen."

"He can do the remodeling."

I snort, suddenly remembering the last time we crossed the lawn under the moonlight to the boathouse.

Oh, perhaps that's what we're going to do now. I grin.


"I remember the last time you took me to the boathouse."

Fifty Shades Of Jeon || Jikook ✅ (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now